Nominations & Elections Committee

Nominations & Elections Committee Chair: Jake Kimball

Nominations for the 2023 KOTESOL National Elections will be open from September 1 to 27, 2023. Elections will be held in October (Voting Period: Oct. 8-29, 2023). Additional information on elected offices, duties, qualifications, nominating procedures, and voting can be found below and on linked pages. 

The Elective Officer positions for the 2023 elections are as follows:

  • President 
  • First Vice-President 
  • Second Vice-President 
  • Secretary 
  • Treasurer 
  • International Conference Committee Co-chair 
  • Nominations and Elections Committee Chair 

Term of office for each position is one (1) year — from ABM to ABM.

Read the KOTESOL Bylaws to learn more about the National Council and elected positions.

Duties of the Elected Officers

The President shall preside at the Annual Business Meeting, shall be the convener of the Council, and shall be responsible for promoting relationships with other organizations. The President shall also be an ex-officio member of all committees formed within KOTESOL.

The First Vice-President shall assist the President in his or her duties and work with the Chapters through their Council representatives to assist them in their business. The First Vice-President shall also undertake such other responsibilities as the President may delegate.

The Second Vice-President shall organize the annual KOTESOL Connections event (aka Leadership Retreat), oversee and assist the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), oversee the Korea Teacher Training (KTT) program and its finances, and serve as the KTT liaison to Council. The Second Vice-President shall also undertake such other responsibilities as the President may delegate.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all KOTESOL meetings and decisions, including those done electronically, and ensure that the minutes are published on the KOTESOL website. The Secretary shall also archive, safeguard, and make available, as needed, all the official records of KOTESOL, including the Policies and Procedures Manual, which should be kept up-to-date and disseminated to all members of Council at the start of each year. At the completion of the term of office, the Secretary shall pass on all documents to the incoming Secretary.

The Treasurer shall act as a fiduciary for the financial affairs of KOTESOL, keep appropriate bank accounts in the name of KOTESOL, maintain accurate records of the finances of the organization, maintain a list of KOTESOL members, prepare the annual operating budget, and manage all funds belonging to KOTESOL in an open and accountable manner.

The Nominations and Elections Committee Chair shall act as the Chief Returning Officer of KOTESOL and chair the Nominations and Elections Committee.

The International Conference Committee Co-chair shall assist the International Conference Chair in all of his or her duties in order to gain insight and experience to successfully organize the following International Conference. The Co-chair ascends to the position of IC Chair at the conclusion of international conference that immediately follows national elections (in this case, that is the conclusion of the 2024 international conference).


All members of the Council must be members in good standing of KOTESOL.

Any members seeking nomination for an elected position on the Council must have been a member in good standing for at least the 12 full months immediately prior to the time of seeking nomination; except that all candidates for election to President must have been a KOTESOL member for the previous two years, must have served on the Council for at least 12 full months prior to the time of seeking nomination, and must be a current member of TESOL International Association at the time of nomination and throughout their term as President.

Only candidates who complete the nomination process during the September nomination period will appear on the ballot.

 Nomination Period: September 1-27, 2023 (2023. 9. 1-27) 

Voting Information

Voting will be online with online ballots. Voting information will be emailed to all members in good standing on the first day of the voting period to the email address on record with KOTESOL. This is the email address in the member’s KOTESOL profile. If a member wishes to have their ballot sent to a different email address, they should make the change in their profile at least one week before the beginning of the voting period.

 Voting Period: October 8-29, 2023 (2023. 10. 8-29)


— Campaigning is permissible in an orderly and non-confrontational manner.
— Dates: September 1-27, 2023 (same as nomination period)..
— Campaigners shall adhere to the Korea TESOL Code of Conduct, and nominees shall state in their statement of interest that they are aware of the contents of the Korea TESOL Code of Conduct.

 The 2023 Nomination Procedures page is available HERE.
 A list of 2023 Nominees (to date) is available HERE.
 The documents of official Candidates (to date) is available HERE.
