KOTESOL Proceedings

KOTESOL Proceedings are compilations of content presented at KOTESOL’s annual international conferences. These proceedings are academic journal-style publications. Paper submissions are made post-conference by conference session presenters, and selections are made through a review process. Past issues of KOTESOL Proceedings are freely available for download in PDF format. The most recent issue of KOTESOL Proceedings, however, is available for download for current members only. The most recent issue becomes open access one year after its publication date. Inquiries concerning the availability of print copies of back issues (up to Proceedings 2015) may be made to: publications@koreatesol.org

ISSN 2586-4173 (Online)

KOTESOL Proceedings 2024

The Call for Papers, based on presentations made at the 2024 Korea TESOL International Conference, is open for submissions from May 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024. (Deadline extended to July 15.) We invite presenters to consider submitting a paper for publication based on their presentation given at the conference.

Submission Guidelines

Word length is 2,500 to 5,000 words for research reports/papers (including papers deriving from poster presentations of research), and approximately 2,000 words for panel discussions, workshop reports, poster presentations, and pecha kucha (with limited flexibility). Submissions should be made in MS Word (DOCx), and vetting completion is planned for mid-July. (Word counts include everything: references, tables, bio, appendices, etc.)

In addition to (a) content and (b) organization, submission review will consider (c) language (grammar and academic expression) and (d) formatting.

The KOTESOL Proceedings 2024 Style Guidelines, the Copyright Agreement, and the Proceedings Checklist are available at the bottom of this page as PDF files. One copy of the copyright agreement must be completed and submitted by each author for both single-authored and co-authored manuscripts submitted.

***Submissions to KOTESOL Proceedings 2024 should be original works that have not been published elsewhere nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Following the digital trend, KOTESOL Proceedings 2023 will be an online publication.

KOTESOL Proceedings — Back Issues

Back Issues of KOTESOL Proccedings are available online as open-access at https://koreatesol.org/go-publications/357/

KOTESOL Proceedings Best Paper Award 

Contributor’s Remarks

“I am always pleased with the professionalism and quality of KOTESOL publications and the conferences as well. A former colleague of mine recommended your conference to me several years ago, and I have attended every chance available. Your conferences and proceedings are always the best in Asia. Keep up the excellent work!”
ㅡ Norman Fewell, Japan (Proceedings contributor)

KOTESOL Proceedings 2024
Editor: Dr. David Shaffer