Calendars of Events

Found here are the KOTESOL calendar-of-events pages.

This Calendar of Events section contains three main sub-pages (links in menu on right):

1. KOTESOL Events (Major): A calendar of major KOTESOL events (including major chapter and SIG events).
— KOTESOL Events (Chapters): A calendar of KOTESOL’s chapters’ events all conveniently gathered in one place.
— KOTESOL Events (Other): A listing of the KOTESOL events that appear or are scheduled to appear in the right-hand Events menu appearing on most webpages.
2. Domestic ELT Events: A calendar of ELT events, other than KOTESOL events, taking place in Korea.
3. International ELT Events: A calendar of ELT events of international stature, mainly taking place outside of Korea and in the Asia-Pacific region, but including other events of interest to the Korean ELT community.

In addition, there are special calandar-of-events pages for

4. TESOL Intl Assn Events: Korea TESOL is an Affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in the United States.
5. IATEFL Events: Korea TESOL is an Associate of IATEFL — the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, based in the United Kingdom.
6. Partner Assn Events: Listed here are the events of PAC, the Pan-Asian Consortium, of which Korea TESOL is a founding member; and the events of other ELT partner associations of Korea TESOL.

Updating of these calendars of events is ongoing as new information becomes available. We welcome suggestions for additional events.

The Events section of this website includes links to detailed information on upcoming KOTESOL events of all types, particularly on regularly scheduled Chapter and SIG meetings/workshops.

IIIII Inquiries and Requests:
||||| These calendar-of-events pages are maintained by David Shaffer.