KOTESOL Partners & Sponsors

KOTESOL’s  Sponsors & Partners are those groups and businesses that partner with KOTESOL for mutual marketing support.

Teachers are discerning and educated consumers with disposable income — whether expatriate or Korean, they are not only prime targets for you, but word-of-mouth within the teaching community is particularly strong!

These organizations provide financial and non-financial support as KOTESOL provides programs and services under its mission

to promote scholarship, disseminate information, and facilitate cross-cultural understanding among persons concerned with the teaching and learning of English in Korea.

KOTESOL aims to help maximize our Sponsors & Partners’ marketing resources through KOTESOL, a win-win approach. Organizational partners become institutional members of KOTESOL, with benefits defined in the OPs Agreement. These include significant discounts for marketing displays and advertising in KOTESOL events and publications, eligibility to participate at Korea’s largest annual English teacher’s conference, recognition and linkages on the KOTESOL website, and more!

For details on marketing opportunities through KOTESOL, see http://koreatesol.org/content/marketing-opportunities

For a quick summary of the 2022 International Conference, which was fully online, take a look at https://koreatesol.org/content/2022-kotesol-international-conference-num… or more generally, at https://koreatesol.org/ic2022


Contact our Sponsorship Committee for more information.
