The English Connection Submissions

Author Submission Guidelines
The English Connection (TEC)

The English Connection (TEC) welcomes:

  • Book Reviews
  • Website Reviews
  • Feature Articles and Column Contributions: Articles on various aspects of ELT, especially those with practical classroom application and with reference to the Korean context.

Length = 1 page.  800 words of text maximum (+ author bio). Subtract 200 words if one text photo/image is included.

Photos/Images: Book cover photo (for book review article), “action shot’’ in class or auditorium, and graphs, charts, illustrations, and other images.

Length = 1, 2, or 3 full pages. 800 to 2,400 words (if no images included); inclusion of images prefered (reduce wordcount accordingly for images included). Word lengths should be such that the articles are 1, 2, or 3 FULL pages in length with images included. Run-over unto an additional page is not desirable.

Images:  ‘’Action shot’’ of teacher or lecturer actively demonstrating teaching method or presenting. Clearly labeled tables and figures (graphs, charts, illustrations, or other figures); formatting should follow APA 7th ed. style. Captions should be included as needed. Credits for photos, illustrations, etc. should also be provided.

For all writers of features, reviews, and other articles.

Length: Approximately 50 words (two or three sentences).

Photo image: Color. Preferably semi-formal to formal (e.g., tie, or at least collared business shirt, for men; jacket); passport-style portrait photo; clear and close up of the face; preferably plain background.

Send submissions and submission-related inquiries to:

Send inquiries to the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Andrew White at: