Abstracts & Presenter Biographies

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Gemma Hall 10:00-10:45 

Creativity and Conciousness in The Classroom – Jocelyn Wright

This workshop is inspired by a new content-based English class I am teaching this spring which involves looking at social issues related to happiness and well-being, peace and conflict, diversity and discrimination, sustainable development, communications and technology, etc. from creative points of view. The course, which is also project-based, aspires to form students who are (more active) global citizens – socially responsible, globally competent, and civically engaged (Morais & Ogden, 2011). As such, it aims to be transformative.

In this workshop, we will first define creativity and discuss its characteristics. We will also look at some creative ideas for raising awareness about significant social issues, using art and audio-visual media. Then, we will discuss tested creative project options. Participants will be invited to share their ideas and experience.

Given the importance of the very in-demand skill of creativity and the many social problems we face in today’s global world, finding ways to incorporate both elements into our lessons seems well-worth taking a closer look at. Come join me in this pursuit!

Morais, D. B., & Ogden, A. C. (2011). Initial development and validation of the global citizenship scale. Journal of Studies in International Education, 15, 445-66.

Bio: Jocelyn Wright is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Mokpo National University. She did her undergraduate studies in linguistics and completed graduate studies in education. She is also CELTA certified. She has been teaching English in Korea at the university level for over 6 years and previously taught in France, the Dominican Republic, and Canada. She is actively involved in KOTESOL at the chapter level (Gwangju-Jeonnam) and coordinates the local Reflective Practice Special Interest Group (RP SIG). Her many interests include professional development, content and project-based learning, and critical pedagogy, all of which require creative thinking.

10:00-10:45 B121

All-in-one setting up Google Drive for University Classes – Gil Coombe 

The constant stream of new technology available to both teachers and students in the pursuit of effective instruction and learning is at once exciting and daunting. As new pedagogical avenues open up, and the number of apps on tablets and smartphones pile up, there runs a real risk of “technological fatigue” in students as they are asked to sign up to yet another website, yet another learning management system, yet another Facebook group. This presentation aims to put forward the case for the use of a single option, Google Drive, and outline how it can be used in both regular freshmen EFL classes and L2 writing classes for, among other things, distributing class materials, displaying real-time attendance and grading, simplifying scheduling of appointments, allowing for verbal feedback for the students, and providing a means for real-time writing feedback. Setting up the class at the start of the semester, organizing your folders, utilizing useful Google Drive features, and recognizing possible pitfalls will also be covered.

Bio: Currently Invited Professor at Korea University, where I have worked for six years. I have particular interest in L2 academic writing, in particular discourse analysis, effective linguistic and grammatical feedback, genre-based instruction, learner autonomy in correction of grammar and collocation errors using online resources such as Just the Word and Word Neighbors, the expectations and misconceptions of L2 writers entering the L2 academic writing community, effective writing assessment, and the use of corpora for error analysis.

10:00-10:45 B142

The Development of Learning Strategies and Writing Quality Through Forums, Wikis, and Blogs – Daniel Baily

I wish to use my presentation to inform the audience on the pedagogical applications of forums, wikis, and blogs. I will do this by discussing how these modes differ with one another, describe their benefits, and discuss the effect they have on language learning strategies. For instance, I’ll talk about how corrective feedback can be used to develop writing quality as well as how writing accomplishments can easily be archived within ePortfolios.

There are important differences between these three modes of communication. This is noticed through presentation, process of delivering corrective feedback, archiving learning accomplishments, comparison, and competition. These differences create unique opportunities for students to engage new learning strategies and unlock dormant ones. These are cognitive, affective, and social learning strategies such as ones related to organization, stress management, and presentation. I have collected numerous examples from case studies which I will use in my presentation to help explain my points.

I will emphasize the importance of assessment portfolios. Online assignments using forums, wikis, and blogs allow for simple organization of completed writing assignments which compile naturally into ePortfolios. These complement letter grades nicely and involve little effort to assemble.

I have used forums, wikis, and blogs for the past five years at the tertiary level through learning management systems like Schoology and Moodle. I will discuss the flexibility of these systems and how they can be incorporated into traditional curriculums. I hope to help audience members enhance their teaching strategies, not replace them.

Bio: Daniel Ryan Bailey has been teaching English as a Foreign Language in South Korea for ten years. He has a Masters of Arts in Teaching from the University of Texas. He works as an Assistant Professor at Cheongju University in South Korea. He is the Assistant Research Director for KOTESOL. His most recent work has been in the investigation of participation grading and its effect on students with different learning styles. In addition, he presents regularly on the topic of learning management systems. His most recent presentations have been on the topics of motivation in blended learning environments and online corrective feedback.

10:00-10:45 B161

Determining Usefulness in an Online Environment – Dr. Wayne Bottiger

The predominant belief is that online instruction lacks in its ability to provide meaningful connections between students and instructors. However, the prevalence of online options for learners continues to expand. This presentation looks at a real world model for providing instruction to learners via Internet connectivity. The presentation focuses on determining how to create, develop and deliver online instruction to learners in an online collaborative setting. Media and support tools shape the structure of any online course offering. Examples of how to use some of the most currently available web-course authoring tools will be presented. The presentation will allow individuals with minimal knowledge of IT to be able to create their own easy to build and manage course.

Bio: Dr. Wayne Bottiger currently works at Kangwon National University. He is also working with KEISIE Graduate School as an administrator. He has a PhD in Linguistics and have more than 38 years of onsite and online teaching experience. Among his specialties are curriculum design and development, web-course design and online instruction.

10:00-10:45 B178

Korea’s Perception of the “Ideal” Native English Teacher – Akli Hadid

21 interviews done so far, more to come, with parents, students and co-teachers of native EFL teachers in Korea.

  • Ideal teacher should “prepare” for class (14 respondents). When asking for clarifications, “prepare” usually means come to class with a lot of handouts.
  • Ideal teacher should be “passionate” (12 respondents). When asking for clarifications, “passionate” means an extrovert, and in some cases funny.
  • Role of teacher is to provide an example of pronunciation (10 respondents) an example of “live English” (8 respondents) an example of foreign culture (1 respondent) and “just teach English” (5 respondents).
  • Good teachers should have “a good pronunciation” (15 respondents) and “be professional” (12 respondents) “understand Korean culture” (8 respondents) “speak slowly” (7 respondents) “have been to a good university” (6 respondents) “have a good personality” (6 respondents) “encourage us to speak without judging us” (4 respondents) “be confident” (3 responses)
  • Teachers should teach by “correcting our pronunciation” (17 respondents) “correcting our English” (14 respondents) “teaching speaking” (10 respondents) “teaching us culture” (1 respondent) “teaching us grammar” (1 respondent)
  • In school teachers should “respect other teachers” (16 responses) “respect Korean culture” (10 responses) “work hard” (9 responses)
  • Outside school teachers should “contact their families” (12 responses) “learn Korean” (10 responses) “just play” (9 responses) “learn about teaching” (1 response)
  • Problem with native teachers is “no problem” (12 responses) “in some cases they don’t prepare enough for class” (10 responses) “sometimes they speak too fast” (6 responses) “there are cases where we can’t understand their pronunciation” (4 responses) “some of them don’t have good personalities” (3 responses)

Bio: Akli Hadid is a Ph.D. candidate in Korean Studies and Sociology. He specializes in language education and organizational culture.

10:00-10:45 B109

And Now for Someting Completely Different: Lesson Ideas – Jason Lapointe

Are you new to the ESL field and need some interesting ideas for your classes? Do you simply want a plethora of lesson ideas hurled at you to pick and choose from? In that case, I have a few ideas that you could use and develop on your own. I’ve been teaching ESL in South Korea for a year, having previously taught also Math, Science, Biology, Physics, and French in Canada, and have developed some lessons that have really enthused students. Some of these lessons have been based on a role-playing zombie apocalypse story, newsworthy topics like space, genetic therapy and global warming, various social media themes, television sitcoms, and mobile and board games. This workshop will detail some of my more successful lessons, focusing mainly on student reactions, lesson developments, and some sample results. I’ll also provide you with my worksheets to do with as you please. It’s been a pleasure interacting with students and building their confidence with the English language. As many of my lessons provide a great deal of creative freedom, students have produced very intelligent, mature, and comical ideas in each of these lessons. I hope to see you there!

Bio: While my past work experience includes teaching high school English, Math, Science, Physics, and French and university Biology, I am currently teaching ESL at KAIST in Daejeon. Despite my educational background having focused mainly on scientific research, I’ve always been interested in education and teaching. My background in science and research has helped me explore and develop task-based learning methods, as the structure of science projects has always emphasized freedom and rewarded creativity.

10:00 -10:45 B111

CLIL & Film – Joff P. N. Bradley

This paper confronts a lengthy dissatisfaction with SLA research on content-based (CBI), sustained content-based instruction (SCBI), and the trendy re-incarnation – content and language integrated learning (CLIL) – in Japanese university classrooms. Moreover, I argue, as a conspicuous lacuna persists regarding the inclusion and instruction of critical thinking skills in this area, and aiming to contest the strict and somewhat arbitrary division between SLA per se and content, this paper charts how one might do critical thinking, philosophy or literature in an experimental CBI or CLIL class. As one of the author’s overarching goals in his teaching practice is to synthesize critical thinking, CBI methodology and philosophical content in a way that appeals to as wide a student demographic as possible –and in order to harness the natural intelligence and imagination of students – this paper looks at how successful this long-term project has been.

The theoretical bedrock from the hybrid class detailed in the presentation was constructed through a reading of recent doctoral recent in Europe and North America, which examined the use and application of film in classroom settings. Their findings were applied to a course devoted to the notion of non-linear or ‘postmodern’ cinema (movement and time images, the construction of subjectivity, the role of memory) and the genre of contemporary puzzle films.

Bio: Joff P.N. Bradley teaches in the faculty of foreign languages at Teikyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Although born and bred in northern England, he is a resident of Japan and applies his long-standing interest in European philosophy and critical thought to the social and political problems affecting his students. He has published articles in Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Europe, North America and the Middle East.

13:00-13:45 Gemma Hall

How to Get a University Job in South Korea – Jackie Bolan

This presentation will cover the basics of how to get a university job in South Korea, including who is the ideal candidate, job search strategies including websites and networking strategies, cover letter and resume tips, and interview advice. There will also be a section of things to avoid during your job application process. There will be plenty of Q&A time in order to explore topics of greatest interest to the presentation attendees.

Bio: Jackie Bolen has been living in Korea for almost a decade, and has taught everyone from kindy kids to adults and everything from the ABC’s to advanced TOEIC Listening. She spent most of her time at Hoseo University in Cheonan/Asan but moved to Busan 3 years ago where she now works at Dong-A University. She’s been a presenter at numerous Kotesol conferences on topics such as how to teach presentations and public speaking, motivation and reward systems, and using portfolios in writing classes.

She is the author of the popular blog, “My Life! Teaching in a Korean University” and the book, “How to Get a University Job in South Korea:The English Teaching Job of Your Dreams,” which is available on Amazon.com.

13:00-13:45 B121

Designing Better Classroom Activities Through a Playcentric Approach – Peadar Callaghan

There is nothing quite so disheartening for a student as boring and unengaging classroom activities. Too often the design of these have been based around Students Will Be Able To (S.W.B.A.T) statements or specific linguistic goals. When materials are designed in this way, sadly little attention is paid to how the student will engage with these activities or be engaged by them.

In contrast the playcentric approach to design, such as employed in the video game industry, focuses on creating and maintaining engagement. By understanding and applying a playcentric approach to classroom activities teachers can increase student engagement with the material. This in turn leads to students who are more likely to retain and be able to apply the information that they are using.

This presentation will focus on how to breakdown some of the most common ESL activities using a playcentric approach. It will then discuss how these activities can be improved on.

Bio: Peadar Callaghan graduated from the University of Limerick with an Ma in ELT. He has been working in Korea for over nine years. During this time he has given numerous presentations on a wide range of topics. All his presentations focus on being practical and adaptable to all students no matter their levels or ages. Peadar is currently the president of KOTESOL and teaching at Daegu University. His interests include gaming and martial arts.

13:00-13:45 B142

Design and Implementation of Digital Game Based Learning for the ESL Classroom – Clayton Whittle

There is no doubt that Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) presents an increasingly viable option for instruction in the ESL classroom. Language learning games have proven themselves to be exceptionally powerful instructional tools. However, perceived technological, logistical, and design barriers prevent many educator from taking advantage of the great leaps in modern technology.

This paper begins by outlining the experiences of the researcher in developing and implementing an educational computer game for a college level ESL class using commercially available “freeware”. The game was designed to replace traditional workbooks/pen and paper homework assignments. The paper addresses basics of the game, how it was implemented in the class, student reactions, and difficulties faced during the process.

After examining the example case, the paper presents a model for educational design in creating digital games for the classroom and several models of implementation. Additionally, the paper examines several approaches for custom designing games available for educators who might think of themselves as lackicking technical skills.

In essence, this paper is a “crash course” in custom designing and implementing a digital game either in or out of the ESL classroom for educators who might otherwise find the task to be intimidating.

Bio: Clayton Whittle is an Assistant Professor at Dankook University. He earned his M.A. in Telecommunications and Media Study from Texas A&M, where his research focused on understanding lasting educational effects of video games on ‘heavy’ gamers. Clayton has also worked in the gaming industry for the now defunct Wakefield Studios.

13:00-13:45 B178

Online Learning: A Student’s Perspective – Douglas P. Margolis

From “I hate online classes” to “it helps me a lot,” a variety of student views about online learning will frame this presentation on how to design online activities students will appreciate. The emphasis will be on activities that utilize free resources already online, take little time to access and master, and that engage students. Audience participants will walk away with a better understanding of the range of student feelings about online activities, ideas for making the experience more worthwhile for students, and tools and strategies for Monday morning.

Bio: Dr. Margolis currently teaches for the University of Wisconsin-River Falls TESOL Program and is a lifetime member of KOTESOL. In 1998-1999, he served as the Seoul KOTESOL President. He also coordinated KTT and edited the Training Notes Column in The English Connection, from 2000 to 2008. He presently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Korea TESOL Journal and TESOL Journal. His research interests include oral error feedback, pronunciation assessment and instruction, and instructional design.

13:00-13:45 B109

Setting up and Managing an Online Classroom (LMS) in WordPress – Aaron Snowberger

WordPress currently powers 23% of the entire Internet. It is powerful enough to run literally millions of sites on one installation of code (WordPress.com), versatile enough to handle any number of site types (schools, newspapers, video sites, portfolios, non-profits), yet simple enough to learn and setup a basic site in as little as 1-5 weeks.

In this talk, I will provide a quick overview of WordPress and its potential as a Learning Management System (LMS) for online classrooms. I will also go through a number of different plugins that can be used to enhance your online class site. And finally, I will provide a basic step-by-step timeline of procedures to setup a complete classroom website and start adding students.

Bio: Aaron Snowberger is a semi-professional WordPress developer having written about a dozen plugins and a handful of themes. He has been using WordPress for his own ESL classroom management at Jeonju University since 2011 after switching over from Moodle. He is active in the online WordPress Community and recently started up a WordPress Meetup group in Jeonju to provide weekly workshops and monthly lectures to assist others in building their own websites.

13:00-13:45 B111

Methods of Target Vocabulary Previewing: the Relationship between Preferences and Academic Scores – Nicole Sonobe

Computer aided language learning (CALL) is an integral part of university English language learning education. Vocabulary activities are readily accessible online. Nowadays most students possess a smart phone and when language labs are unavailable such online activities can be completed in a regular classroom or at home for homework. Vocabulary previewing is an activity where students are required to preview target vocabulary for each unit prior to class. This reduces time spent on introducing target words during valuable class time. This paper compares two different methods of learning target vocabulary: (1)a traditional method using pen, paper and dictionary in semester 1 and (2)a CALL method using a free website/smart phone application (Quizlet.com) in semester 2. The subjects were all enrolled in English ConversationⅠin semester 1 and English ConversationⅡin semester 2. Both of these courses are electives for freshmen. Firstly, the subjects took a 100 question vocabulary test at the end of semester 1 and at the end of semester 2, after completing 10 units of the textbook per semester. Students’ test scores for semester 1 and 2 were recorded and compared to determine if there was a change in their vocabulary acquisition score. Secondly, at the end of semester 2, the subjects completed a 9 question, 6 point Likert based questionnaire. The data from this questionnaire verifies student preference for the above mentioned methods. Additionally, preferences and scores were compared and contrasted to ascertain if there is any correlation between them.

Bio: Nicole Sonobe is an English lecturer and the Associate Director of the Center for International Exchange at Nishikyushu University,Saga, Japan. She has a MA in TESOL from Newcastle University. Her research interests include study abroad programs, CALL, second language learning strategies and Asian Englishes.

14:00-14:45 B161

Instructional design and instructor posting: How what we do affects what they do – Jamie Costley

In a world in which online interactions are becoming the norm, an understanding of how three fundamental aspects of online learning (teaching presence, social presence and cognitive presence) interact is important. This presentation will look at how these three presences interact with each other in an online forum. More specifically it will describe the effects of instructional design and instructor posting on learners’ cognitive and social presence. The research involved second language English users and involved taking 900 learner posts from differing experimental conditions and analyzing those posts for social presence and cognitive presence. The experimental conditions varied in two different ways. First was the level of instructor control over the learning environment, and the second was the type of posts the instructor made in the learning environment. The results showed that increasing the amount of control an instructor has over a learning environment increases the amount of cognitive presence but decreases the amount of social presence within the learners’ posts. Results also showed that direct instruction leads to higher levels of cognitive presence. Finally, they showed instructor posts that facilitate discourse generate higher levels of social presence. These results are important in general, because instructors must be aware of how their behavior may affect how learners interact (and therefore learn) online. EFL instructors, more specifically are interested in the types of discourse their learners create. And therefore, the ways instructors can manipulate learner discourse is of great importance.

Bio: Dr. Jamie Costley is a visiting professor in the English Education Department at Kongju National University. His research interests include asynchronous learning networks and collaborative learning. He has recently completed his PhD dissertation titled: The effects of instructional design on social presence and critical thinking.

14:00-14:45 B178

Whay and How to Use Skype in the EFL Context? – Gerald de la Salle

In the last few decades, the process of learning new languages has undergone a technological shift. Increasingly, second language acquisition (SLA) is, in part, facilitated through computers and other technologies. Most recently, there has been an explosion of synchronous tools via the computer and mobile device. One new medium for learning second languages is synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC). An example is Skype, typically used for “live” or “real-time” on-line video classes. Skype-like programs enable learners to participate in authentic communication with native or more advanced speakers. In one writer’s words (Sadler, 2007) “the question becomes not should we use CMC tools in our classrooms? but how should we properly use CMC tools to enhance language learning?” The focus of this presentation will be: 1) the role Skype-like services should play in the EFL context (for example: in Korea); 2) why existing English programs in Korea and other EFL contexts should incorporate Skype-like classes; and 3) how to best use Skype-like services as an EFL tool. The presenter, using recordings and transcripts from real Skype classes, will argue that Skype-like classes are best utilized if the teacher is permitted to take a step back, become a facilitator, and allows the student to “hold the floor.” In this regard, the role of the Skype teacher ought to be that of the facilitator, not the dominator. It means employing student-centered methods to keep the learner(s) speaking and to fill a void that currently exists in most EFL programs. In short, the discussion will be “why-and-how” to use Skype in the EFL or Korean context.

Bio: Gerald de la Salle is a school teacher, lawyer and English instructor. He has taught for twenty years, including law in Canada, English in Japan, and for the last fourtenn years, English in Korea. He has a B.A. and B.Ed. from the University of Alberta, an LL.B. (law) from the University of New Brunswick an M.A. in Community College Education from Central Michigan University, and is now working on a doctorate in TESOL.

14:00-14:45 B109

Theoretically practical: An experience with Google Apps – Richard Pak & Jenny Kim

A wealth of SLA literature exists for both researchers and teachers alike. Unfortunately, research does not always inform classroom practice, nor is classroom practice always reflected in SLA research. If teachers could integrate research into their practice, the divide between research and practice could narrow which would make teaching more effective. Having teachers become familiar with and use technology in the classroom provides them a method of data collection and analysis on a level that may facilitate engagement with research. This can allow for the consolidation of diverse data (homework, surveys, feedback, etc.) so that it can be methodically analyzed for classroom innovation, professional reflection, and problem identification. This technology exists now, and we use it every day.

This session will comprise two parts: a presentation to affirm the efforts needed by teachers to bridge the gap between theory and classroom practice; and a workshop to demonstrate how online tools (Google Apps) can be easily integrated into any classroom. From a theoretical standpoint, a tool does not necessarily have just one function. Accordingly, we will show how, from a practical standpoint, Google Apps can lighten administrative loads, provide online and real-time communication, facilitate feedback, and much more. During the Q&A session, participants will be able to share their own teaching experiences and challenges regarding classroom practice. We will then address those issues and demonstrate key features of Google Apps providing participants theoretically practical ideas to incorporate into their own practices.

Bio: Richard Pak is currently employed at Sookmyung Women’s University. He is also working on his MA in TESOL there. 

Bio: Jenny Kim is also employed at Sookmyung, and she holds an MA TESOL degree from Michigan State University.

15:00-15:45 Gemma Hall

Experiences developing a synchronous (live) Online Teacher Training Program at a Korean University – Stafford Lumsden

This paper details the experiences of three teacher educators, tasked with developing materials and content for live online courses delivered to pre- and in-service teachers. One important aspect of the development stage of these courses was determining the role of the instructor online, compared to the physical (offline) classroom. (cf. Bawane & Spector, 2009). Drawing on the work of Norton and Hathaway (2008), the educators then had to become familiar with the chosen Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard and decide what was the best way to replicate the kinds of interaction from the offline classroom into this new and virtual environment. After the first semester of programs were completed the concerns of instructors were examined through the lens of Wilson’s (1998) research ranking the key concerns of instructors. It found that while technical issues made up a, not-unexpected, proportion of these concerns, things like time afforded to developing and maintaining materials and sufficient time to interact with students formed the bulk of the things most concerning instructors. Finally this paper will suggest where these programs might continue to develop for future semesters.


  • Bawane, J., and M. Spector (2009), Prioritization of online instructor roles: implications for competency-based teacher education programs, Distance Education, Vol. 30 No. 3, p. 387-393
  • Norton, P., and D Hathaway (2008), Exploring two teacher education online learning designs: A classroom of one or many? Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Vol. 40 No. 4, p. 475-495
  • Wilson, C., (1998), Concerns of instructors delivering distance learning via the WWW, Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Vol. 1 No 3 retrieved from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/fall13/wilson13.html

Bio: Stafford Lumsden (MA TESOL) is an instructor and coordinator of Online TESOL Programs at Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. A Native of New Zealand he has been an ESL/EFL instructor and teacher educator in Korea for over 10 years. Current research interests include using online learning environments for teacher education. A past president of the Seoul Chapter of KoreaTESOL he is the 2015 KOTESOL National Conference Chair Email: stafford.lumsden@sookmyungtesol.info

15:00-15:45 B121

Reflective-Reading Strategies with Teacher Feedback through E-Campus – Min-Joo Kim

The study examined 102 Korean EFL college students’ reading comprehension using reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback through e-campus online system. It was carried out in an EGP classroom at a college in Korea. The subjects were divided into three groups: control, experimental 1 (received reflective-reading strategies instruction without teacher feedback), and experimental 2 (received reflective-reading strategies instruction with teacher feedback). The reflective-reading strategies were summary writing and reflective-reading journal. As the results, students with reflective-reading strategies with teacher feedback performed better than the other two groups. Pedagogical implications reagarding EFL reading education are discussed within the results.

Bio: Min-Joo Kim has recently received her Ph.D. in the department of English education at Korea University. Her research interest is in the integration of reading and writing, EFL writing education, and reading research. She is now teaching at different colleges and continuing her research in the field.

15:00-15:45 B161

English Education With Social Media:  A Product and Process – Assumpta Calano

Education in the 21st century thrusts to prepare students for the future. One challenge that today’s educator faces is the need to teach our students universal skills that will most be likely needed in their professions. Most of these skills are on the use of digital technology like: communicating online; posting on social media while managing one’s account; evaluating websites and online tools for credibility; doing effective on-line researches, and learning to use emerging technologies. It is without doubt that digital technology now permeates the learning process. It has been said that virtual learning is now the new classroom.

Social media is one kind of digital technology that engages our students in their learning. Almost half of the time students spend on their computers is on the use of social media.

This paper demonstrates how the use of social media in the can be a pedagogical tool that is both a process and a product in itself. Students not only learn how to interact with their peers and teachers but also develop a sense of internet presence; students not only share views and opinions; but also develop the ability to analyze and assess information; students not only collaborate with other social media networks but also interact and engage with others. With the use of social media, lesson objectives are met by its end goal (product) but the way of achieving (the process) the end goal is equally important both of which is crucial in today’s education.

Bio: Assumpta Calano is an Assistant Professor at Sungkonghoe University, Seoul Korea. She finished a Masters Degree in English and is currently completing a PhD. in Language Education. She has more than twenty years of teaching experience in the university, five of these in Korea. Ms. Calano has presented a paper at both the Kotesol International Conference and English Expo in 2014.

15:00-15:45 B178

Globalization and the Spread of English in Morocco and South Korea:  Pedagogical Implications for the KOTESOL membership – J. S. Lee

This paper is a part of three-year ethnographic research that investigates and compares how globalization affects English teaching and learning in two countries: Morocco and South Korea. These two countries share a similar colonial past and have similar English language policies but in terms of outcomes, there are several major differences: While in South Korea English is the primary foreign language studied from the 3rd grades through high school and English teachers are paid very well and held in high esteem, the students’ English communicative abilities are not impressive. In contrast, in Morocco, English is often students’ fourth foreign language and studied in a public school system for only three years and English teachers are demoralized and under-paid, but in terms of its outcomes, so many Moroccan students achieve a high level of communicative competence despite such difficult circumstances. Based on the literature review, documentary analysis, interviews, surveys, and observation through comparative and ethnographic research methods collected from May 2014 to March 2015, three research questions are addressed: 1) How do English language policy makers in South Korea and Morocco conceptualize globalization and apply it in the English language policy?, 2) how do English teachers in South Korea and Morocco perceive the concept of globalization and apply it in their English language teaching in the classrooms, and 3) how do English language learners in South Korea and Morocco perceive the concept of globalization and apply it in their English language learning in and outside of the classrooms. Based on the results of this comparative study, the pedagogical implications for the KOTESOL membership will be also discussed.

Bio: Ju Seong (John) Lee is a doctoral student at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include World Englishes, Technology-integrated Learning in Second/Foreign Language Classroom (via Videoconference, Tele-collaboration, Wearable devices), Self-directed Teacher Professional Development (TPD).

15:00-15:45 B109

Learn English Teens: Practical ideas for teen classes – Jonathan Rickard

LearnEnglish Teens is a website from the British Council which offers free multimedia materials for teenage learners and teachers and the opportunity for learners to practise English by interacting with other teenagers around the world in a safe online environment.

This practical workshop aims to introduce participants to the site and present activities which participants can take away and do with their own classes. Sample exercises, activities and lesson sequences for online and offline use will be given, with a particular focus on techniques for using video in class. Participants in the workshop will be encouraged to take a critical approach to these and consider what adaptations may be necessary for their own specific teaching contexts. They will also be encouraged to consider any benefits in motivation, engagement, classroom management, intercultural awareness and utilisation of class time for their learners. The workshop will also demonstrate how users worldwide are making use of the ability to post comments on the site and respond to other users to practise English and, in relation to this, mention will be made of how the site ensures online safety for its users.

This workshop is aimed at both new and experienced teachers of teenagers in all educational settings.

Bio: Jonathan Rickard is a Delta-qualified teacher and has been teaching English for 12 years. He is a coordinator for secondary courses at British Council Hong Kong, working particularly on teacher training and local exam courses. He is coordinator for LearnEnglish Teens and has been working on the site for three years. His professional interests include primary and secondary education, literature and language teaching and teacher development.

15:00-15:45 B111

Critical Pedagogy for Korean EFL 101 – Gordon West

This presentation will present a practical introduction to critical language pedagogy for practitioners in Korea. The presentation draws on the presenter’s own experience of doing critical pedagogy in Korea to highlight some of the special considerations and adjustments that might be made. The presentation will begin by discussing why critical pedagogy is something that language instructors in Korea should pursue before going into more concrete steps of how to do critical pedagogy. The first step is what Freire called a “listening period” during which the teacher should get to know and understand the students and context of teaching (Freire, 2000). The main advice for this step is to focus on building relationships, not just with the students and families, but also with the community of the school before beginning critical pedagogy. Problem-posing education will then be discussed as the heart of critical pedagogy. It will be contrasted not only with “banking” education, but also communicative and task-based methodologies, with which it shares some characteristics. In the discussion of problem-posing education, different components of critical pedagogy (Crookes, 2013) will be shared to help teachers understand specific actions they can take in their classrooms. These include: doing democratic decision making on course content and assessment, using learner-created materials, using codes, creating and maintaining dialogue, and fostering an action orientation in students. Examples from the presenter’s own experience will be shared for each component of a critical pedagogy. Participants will leave with ideas for implementing critical pedagogy in their own classes.

Bio: Gordon is an assistant professor of TESOL at Sookmyung Women’s University where he teaching in the young learner program. He received his MA in Second Language Studies from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. He previously taught k-8 at a hagwon in Seoul. His interests include critical pedagogy, practitioner research, and narrative inquiry.

16:00-16:45 B121

101 – Practice Makes Perfect: The Best Websites for the Four Language Skills Douglas Baumwoll

A search on Google for “ESL grammar exercises” yields 632,000 results. Regarding communicative uses of CALL, do you prefer elllo.org or englishcentral.com as an ESL listening website? Is the Purdue OWL or rong-chang.com a better resource to aid students’ writing language skill? Which free websites offer voice recognition feedback to users? Got no idea? Great. Come to my workshop/seminar and find out. The seminar will be structured as follows: we’ll spend about 8 minutes perusing the best websites for each language skill; throughout we will have very short discussions in small groups about how to best use these resources as part of your overall teaching approach and in order to meet your specific yearly learner outcomes. This seminar is designed to aid beginning (and more experienced) teachers of all students, elementary through university. I would like to send a special invitation to all Korean native teachers: please come! I have spent literally hundreds of hours researching and using these websites. Allow me to save you some legwork and at least provide you with a starting point for your CALL curriculum. Besides, you definitely need to meet “Mike the [computer-generated] tutor”.

Bio: Douglas Baumwoll is from rural Pennsylvania (U.S.A.) and graduated from the University of Virginia (B.A, Philosophy) in 1989. He has worked as a professional writer, editor, English instructor and Spanish instructor for 25 years. Since 2010, he has taught at the Andong English Village, the Andong National University English Education Department, and the Jeollanamdo Educational Training Institute (teacher trainer). He has designed and taught courses in all four language skills.

16:00-16:45 B161

My Class Is Quieter Than A Björk Song – Wayne Finley

It’s oh so quiet. Oh. It’s oh so still…if your class in Korea reads like the intro to a famous Björk song then it’s time to wake up – without a big riot. Although not quite as theatrical as the Icelandic songstress’s music videos, this interactive workshop will certainly put words into the mouths of your students. Singing and dancing not required; a pen, a piece of paper and an open mind will hopefully be enough to get closer to that ever-elusive Holy Grail of English teaching: interaction.

What, my students are supposed to talk? Through a communicative approach like ESA maximal student talking time is made EASY for even the most novice among us. If the foundation’s not there your students won’t care, but sprinkle in a healthy amount of personalized activities, build a solid participation system, bring a golden smile and your students will be on the golden mile…to real communication.

Suitable for all ages, this workshop is for teachers who are not so much interested in academic research, but in practical advice they can take home and put to good use in their classrooms. Don’t suffer the pangs, pains and frustrations of a quiet class – join us now as we loudly solve this problem once and for all.

Bio: British born and bred, Wayne Finley hails from the sunnier climes of Doncaster, England. First venturing into English teaching in 2010, the Yorkshireman is well on his way to becoming the Yorkshire ESL teacher of the year. If such an award exists. It doesn’t.

Outside teaching Wayne thinks about teaching, and when he’s not thinking about teaching, he’s working in Human Resources to help hire teachers for his university. Easier said than done, they say, but the most recent intake of teachers at Woosong University has already been labelled a ‘golden generation’ and Wayne takes full credit.

16:00-16:45 B178

Becoming a Certified Online Teacher – Edward Sanchez

The number of online teachers is continually growing, and it is estimated that the number of online teachers (fully or blended) will surpass the number of traditional teachers (that is teachers who do not use any form of online instruction) in K-12 schools in the U.S. in the next decade. Teachers who wish to teach in an online or blended environment will need professional development in order to progress and advance their abilities to teach effectively in the 21st century. The transition from traditional teaching to online teaching is a necessary one in an industry that is short on educators who have the specific skills to implement online instruction effectively.

This presentation will explain in depth how I enrolled and am currently completing a virtual teacher certification program. The program consists of online training and development for teachers who seek to learn to teach in online or blended classroom settings. Students must complete six courses. Topics to be examined include foundations of online teaching, trends and technologies in the virtual classroom, and advanced instructional strategies in the virtual classroom. The certification program is 100% online and can be completed in less than a year. Upon completion teachers will be certified virtual teachers.

This presentation is designed for teachers interested in using educational technology and/or online instruction with K-12, vocational school, community college, and university students.

Bio: Eddie Sanchez completed an MA in TESOL from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2012. He taught for 4 years in Seoul, Korea and has completed 4 years of teaching in Tokyo, Japan. He currently works at Sophia University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He is taking currently taking graduate courses in instructional design at Teachers College as a non-degree student. His research interests are instructional design, online learning, gamification, video games and learning, engineering, academic writing, academic presentations, critical thinking, and TOEFL.

16:00-16:45 B109

The Benefits of Online Extensive Reading – Paul Goldberg

Reading electronically has been common for more than ten years, however, options for online extensive reading for language learners are only starting to become available now. This is an important development. Accessing graded readers online makes more sense than buying printed books because graded readers tend to be short and therefore completed quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes. However, online extensive reading means much more than students being able to read graded readers on their computers or smartphones. It can put powerful tools like an interactive dictionary, character lists, audio-on-demand, and book ratings, right at their fingertips. Another, benefit, is students can read whenever and wherever they want, not just while at school or at the library. Additionally, online extensive reading also provides benefits to educators. It allows teachers to monitor and track their students’ reading progress with greater accuracy. Teachers can know which books their students have selected, how many words they read, and even their reading speed which is useful since reading fluency is a key aspect of extensive reading. In this presentation, the speaker will explain how teachers can get the most out of using online extensive reading with their classes and demonstrate several free and commercial websites for online extensive reading.

Bio: Paul Goldberg has taught EFL in Venezuela, Spain, Korea, the US, and currently at Kwansei Gakuin University in Osaka, Japan. His main areas of interest include extensive reading and extensive listening. He is also the founder of Xreading, an online library of graded readers that allows teachers to track their students’ reading progress.

to Commercial/Sponsored Presentations

14:00-14:45  B111

The University of Birmingham: ELAL MA in TESOL and MA in Applied Linguistics – Joanne McCuaig

The University of Birmingham, UK, is pleased to offer an information session about the distance (and campus-based) MA programs it offers in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Topics covered include: structure of the program, courses offered, program expectations, timelines, and program costs. As well, we will be talking about what kinds of students take the program, how to be successful in your MA studies with Birmingham, and if this program is a fit for your needs. Questions are always welcome and if you can’t attend the session, please come visit our promotional table to speak with us.

Bio: Joanne McCuaig is a 2012 graduate of the University of Birmingham, MA in Applied Linguistics (with distinction). She is a tutor for the program as well as the in-country representative for Korea.