Past Christian Teachers SIG Symposiums

The Christian teachers SIG held its first symposium in 2006, and hosted annual symposiums from 2011 to 2017. The symposiums create a space where Christian teachers may explore the relationship between their faith and their work.

2017 Handong University “Restorative Approaches in ELT”

2016 Yonsei University Christians in ELT International Conference

2015 Chongshin University “Excellence Inside and Outside the Classroom”

2014 Korea Nazarene University “Inspire Each Other”

2013 Handong Global University “Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, Walking Humbly: Teaching English in Accordance with Micah 6:8”

2012 Jeonju University “Teaching Fruitfully: Producing the fruit of the Spirit in the Classroom”

2011 Chongshin University “Called to Teach”

2006 Hannam University

Symposium presentation summaries are available in the symposium booklets that can be downloaded below.