Accepted Sessions for 2015 International Conference (Preliminary List)

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Proposals accepted for the 2015 KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo

(Preliminary Listing, As of 26 July)

Family Name,  Given Name     Session Title
Adama,    Jean    Lesson Planning 101: Suggestions for Structuring Speaking Courses for Different Teaching Styles       
Adamson,    Calum    Effective lesson planning for content-based and content-integrated lessons       
Afendi,    Maulidia Rahmi    Implementing The Process Genre Approach To Teach IELTS Academic Writing Task 2       
Ahmed,    Heba    Improving Listening comprehension for EFL pre-intermediate learners through a blended learning strategy       
Ahn,    Amy    Testing in Korea and its Implications for Classroom Assessment Tasks       
Allen,    David    Japanese university entrance exams and IELTS: Washback explored       
Alpaugh,    Michael    Don’t Speak Korean, This is English Class… in Korea.       
Anderson,    Rheanne    ER: Triage for Lower Level students in Extensive Reading       
Asai,    Atsushi    Phonological rules for voicing in L1 applied to L2 phonetics       
Bailey,    Daniel Bailey    An Investigation of Writing Quality and Strategy Use between Three Online Channels of Corrective Feedback       
Balanyk,    Jesse    Reducing Inter-cultural Misunderstandings between Teachers with Different Cultural Backgrounds       
Baldwin,    Matthew    Flipping the Classroom in the Context of Blended Learning Initiatives       
Baumwoll,    Douglas    the doing? is What couple       
Benson,    Matthew    Testing in Korea and its Implications for Classroom Assessment Tasks       
Bill,    Allison    Identity Formation of Native Speaker English Teachers in South Korea       
Binns,    Iain    Incorporating the Process Writing Approach in an ESL Classroom with Institutional Constraints       
Bolen,    Jackie    How to Teach Speaking       
Breaux,    Gunther    SPEED DATING ENGLISH:  One topic, many partners       
Breckenfeld,    John E    Utilizing 3-Minute Audio Podcasts to Increase Native English Listening Comprehension       
Briggs,    Neil    Engaging All Learners: The Importance of Dialogue       
Bruce,    Sandra    The Role of Confidence and Anxiety in First-year Study-abroad Students       
Bryan,    Hale    #KELTchat live: Questions for my Older Teacher Self       
Burden,    Peter    “Fight” or “flight”: Anxiety in the EFL university “conversation” classroom       
Callaghan,    Anna    Exploring Co-Teaching Experiences in the South Korean Classroom       
Callaghan,    Peadar    Understanding student motivation through Gamification       
Chan,    Yu-ching    Factors Affecting Junior High School EFL Teachers’ Practices of Multiple Assessments in Taiwan       
Chang,    Daris    Self Fulfilling Prophesy: A thief in the night       
Coombe,    Gil    Grading Participation in University English Courses: Why?       
Coomber,    Matthew    Portfolio based assessment of speaking       
Costley,    Jamie    Basic lesson planning: Gange’s nine events of instruction       
Crone,    Lisa    The Elephant in the Room: Assign Listening Homework!       
Davis,    Mark    Process Writing in ELT       
de la Salle,    Gerald    Speaking 101: How to Generate 100+ Word Responses From Your Students:       
DeHond,    Garrett    Engaging Korean Students’ Ideologies of English Writing       
DeWaelsche,    Scott    Critical Thinking, Questioning, and Student Engagement in Korean University English Courses       
Eckert,    Ken    Why is an English Professor Here, And Can/Should Literature Be Taught?       
Estrella,    Johanna    V for Vocabulary: American films and Vocabulary in EFL       
Fanguy,    Mik    Flipping the Classroom in the Context of Blended Learning Initiatives       
Fewell,    Norman    Short-Term Study Abroad Contexts: Assessing the Effects of Immediate and Authentic Feedback on Student Progress       
Free,    Michael    Spinning a Basic Web: 4 Tools to Enhance Your Students’ Learning.       
Galster,    Nathan John    Music as a Tool for Language Acquisition with Adult ESL Learners       
Gillis,    Dawn    Enhancing communication through digital storytelling       
Goh,    Happy    Using Google Apps to engage students in tertiary education       
Goh,    Happy    Fostering critical thinking and writing skills through content-based instruction for engineering undergraduates       
Grevett,    Alex    Transitioning to a conversation based classroom: whys and hows       
Griffin,    Robert Berkley    The 21st Century English Language Lesson: Approaches and Best Practices in ELT       
Griner,    Barry    Collaborative-Critical Writing through the Use of Survey Tools       
Hampson,    Timothy Joe    #KELTchat live: Questions for my Older Teacher Self       
Han,    Jiyoun    An Effective Way of Teaching Collocations to EFL Young learners: Collocation-based activities       
Harry,    Gordon Tyler    Co-creation through Open Communication       
Hawkes,    Martin    Task sequencing and form-focused instruction       
Henderson,    Scott    Using Movie Posters in ELT       
Hendler,    Anne    #KELTchat live: Questions for my Older Teacher Self       
Ho,    Si Thang Kiet    Using Drama to Develop Language Learners’ Intercultural Competence: An Experiential Study       
Huang,    Heng-Tsung Danny    Implementing a Video-dubbing Project in the EFL Classroom       
Huang,    Shu-Chen    Toward self-regulated learning — fostering learners’ self-assessment and self-feedback       
Hur,    Hyunsoo    Beyond the Native Speaker Fallacy; Korean NNESTs Employment Struggles       
Iams,    Steve    Story Slam: The Potential of Performed Stories in ELT       
Im,    Annie    Co-teaching & the NSET’s role       
Jeong,    Youngju    Exploring a Multiliteracies Framework in English Language Teaching       
Jesse,    Elam    The Reliability of Google Speech for EFL       
Jong,    Young Ok    What should be considered when developing localized coursebooks?       
Jung,    Hye Young    What should be considered when developing localized coursebooks?       
Kang,    Nina    Collaborative-Critical Writing through the Use of Survey Tools       
Kim,    Soonhyang    NESTs & NNESTs meet together: Creating a collaborative working environment       
Knapton,    Olivia    The University of Birmingham: ELAL MA in TESOL and MA in Applied Linguistics       
Knowle,    Dieter    The flipped classroom as a learning-centered, task based alternative for Freshmen English university courses in Korea       
Konathala,    Viji  Ramamuruthy    The Effect of Task-based Approach on Speaking Anxiety among ESL Low Proficiency Diploma Students       
Kreisz,    Jennifer    Developing Students’ Vocabulary and Pragmatic Sense for Effective Email Writing       
Landers,    Paula    From the Start: Classroom Dynamics       
Lee,    Hsiao-chien    The Effect of Blending Instruction on Different Cognitive Style Students’ English Listening Comprehension       
Lee,    Jeong-Ah    Beyond the Native Speaker Fallacy; Korean NNESTs Employment Struggles       
Lee,    Ju Seong (John)    Beyond borders of the Inner Circle, Outer Circle, and Expanding Circle: Teaching EIL through Videoconferencing       
Lee,    Mikyoung    Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers’ Anxieties and Insecurities: Self-Perceptions of Their Communicative Limitations       
Lesser,    Michael    Teaching Idioms and Expressions Through Television Shows.       
LI,    Chia-Lin    Mediated Collaboration and Active Listening:   Integrating Facebook Usage into TEFL Listening Classroom       
Li,    Chia-Yi    Mediated Collaboration and Active Listening:   Integrating Facebook Usage into TEFL Listening Classroom       
Lucantonio,    Damian    Promoting creativity and conversation skills through storytelling       
Lynch,    Jo-Anna    Social Media for Language Learning       
Mac Donald,    Kara    Beyond the Native Speaker Fallacy; Korean NNESTs Employment Struggles       
Mac Donald,    Kara    Online PhD Candidates; Unique Challenges       
MacLean,    George    Short-Term Study Abroad Contexts: Assessing the Effects of Immediate and Authentic Feedback on Student Progress       
Madarbakus-Ring,    Naheen    My Friend TED: Implementing Effective Strategies into Academic Listening Using TED Talks       
Manning,    Shaun    Values Clarification Tasks: Pushing for accurate output in opinion-gap tasks       
Martin,    Ron    TESOL Teacher Education and Intercultural Communication: Bridging the Gap       
Martinson,    Aaron    Social Media for Language Learning       
McBride,    Ben    Lessons on Establishing Authentic Voice in Academic Writing       
McDonald,    Kurtis    Aligning test factors with purposes on the Vocabulary Size Test       
Miles,    Richard    Eye Contact Moves in English Oral Presentations       
Miller,    Christopher    Themes in Reflective Practice Among ELT Instructors in South Korea       
Monceaux,    Alex    Deepening Content Knowledge through Problem Based Learning in the ELL Classroom       
Monceaux,    Alex    Scaffolding Effective Student Stress Management in Education       
Moodie,    Ian    The problem of ELT turnover in primary schools       
Moreno,    Audrey Nicole    Spice Up Your PowerPoint Life:  New Trends in Slide Presentations       
Mzali,    Ines    Second Language, Third Culture: Non-Korean NNESTs in Korean Universities       
Nordmeyer,    Jon    Supporting ELLs in International Schools with the WIDA English Language Development Framework       
Oh,    Kyung Ae    Beyond the Native Speaker Fallacy; Korean NNESTs Employment Struggles       
Oh,    Yesul    Effective Way : Code-switching       
O’Neill,    Ted    Collaboration in teaching self-directed learning       
Park,    Jungmii    The 21st Century English Language Lesson: Approaches and Best Practices in ELT       
Patrick,    McIver    Amazing Race to Alternative Assessment & Attitudes       
Peyton,    Carter    Creating graded readers using free online corpus software       
Plata,    Sterling    CPP: Copy, Paste, and Process to Prevent Plagiarism       
Pui,    Priscillia    Using Google Apps to engage students in tertiary education       
Pui,    Priscillia    Fostering critical thinking and writing skills through content-based instruction for engineering undergraduates       
Rebuck,    Mark    Authentic resources and four other keys for ESP       
Reynolds,    Eric    Second Language, Third Culture: Non-Korean NNESTs in Korean Universities       
Rian,    Joel P.    Teaching at universities; how not to.       
Riccobono,    Philip    Amazing Race to Alternative Assessment & Attitudes       
Riyandari,    Angelika    Exploring Pre-Service Teacher’s Belief about Grammar and Grammar Teaching in Indonesia       
Roose,    Tamara    Centering the Writing Classroom on Communication       
Rueckert,    Daniel    The 21st Century English Language Lesson: Approaches and Best Practices in ELT       
Ryan,    Jack    L2 Vocabulary acquisition and TOEIC test preparation       
Ryan,    Jack    Teaching Global Studies in English       
Sarich,    Edward    L2 Vocabulary acquisition and TOEIC test preparation       
Sauer,    Jesse    The 21st Century English Language Lesson: Approaches and Best Practices in ELT       
Schrank,    Phillip    Tips for making your Content Based Classroom better       
Settlemir,    George    A Framework for Classroom Management and Motivating Students through Gamification       
Settlemir,    George    Spinning a Basic Web: 4 Tools to Enhance Your Students’ Learning.       
Shepard,    Christopher    Enhancing communication through digital storytelling       
Song,    Youngsoo    A Multivariate Generalizability Study on How Scales Function in a Writing Test       
Springer,    Marcus    The Purpose of Education in Japan: a Case of Culture Clash       
Starr,    Paul    Using Alternate Reality Games in the ELT Classroom       
Steadman,    Angel    Motivate Your Students with Learning Contracts       
Stringer,    Louise    What makes an accent more intelligible?       
Suarez,    Deborah Cason    Nurturing Nature: Motivating Collegiate Learners through Identity Awareness       
Sukavatee,    Pornpimol    Creating an Online Creative Writing Course: Enhancing Writing and Motivation       
Sybing,    Roehl    Developing Perceptual Processing of L2 Speech through Explicit and Implicit Practice       
Tangkiengsirisin,    Supong    Effects of Group Peer Feedback and Revision on Business Writing Performance       
Thollar,    Simon    Teaching at universities; how not to.       
Thomson,    Stefan    The washback effects of TOEIC education on university students       
Tippanet,    Phutsacha    Creating an Online Creative Writing Course: Enhancing Writing and Motivation       
Trejo,    Paola    Teaching With Technology: Three Fantastic Tools To Boost Students’ Engagement       
Tucker,    Glenn    Choosing Culturally Sensitive Materials: Gender Treatment in New Headway Plus Beginner       
Varsakopoulos,    Andreas    Give paper to teacher please: The pros & cons of modified speech.       
Vincent,    Greenier    A Process-Oriented Framework for Creativity in the EFL Classroom       
Wallace,    Matthew    Developing Perceptual Processing of L2 Speech through Explicit and Implicit Practice       
Wang,    Holly    Flipping the Classroom in the Context of Blended Learning Initiatives       
Wang,    Pei-ling    The Effect of Blending Instruction on Different Cognitive Style Students’ English Listening Comprehension       
Waring,    Robert    What exactly is Extensive Reading?       
Washburn    David    Building Custom Digital Games for Language Teaching, a Theory Grounded Approach       
Western,    Rob    Don’t Speak Korean, This is English Class… in Korea.       
White,    Angie (Yuri)    Implementing a Backward Design in the Korean EFL Context       
Whittle,    Clayton    Building Custom Digital Games for Language Teaching, a Theory Grounded Approach       
Williams,    Dylan Glyn    Understanding Context and Agency in a South Korean High School English Classroom.       
Xu,    Hao    Integrating three types of models in graduate students’ academic writing instruction       
Yoon,    Sae Saem Sofia    Process Drama: The Future of the Hooha People       
Zaman,    Tina    English Conversation Workshops for Fluency       
Zwaal,    Ingrid    Go Fish for English