What? KOTESOL International Conference (Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) 

When? 21 ~ 22 October 2017 (Saturday – Sunday) 

Where? Sookmyung Women’s University (Yongsan-gu, Seoul) 


  • Work on a team of international students and English instructors
  • Use English in a natural environment!
  • Free T-shirt! Free meals!
  • Receive a volunteer certificate!
  • Personalized reference letter! 


How? Join the Facebook group called “KOTESOL Student Volunteers” and click the link to the registration form. 


What kind of work will I do? 
Volunteer activities include: 

  • Room Monitors sit in the room during presentations. They make sure the presentations start and end on time. They also help the presenter with any problems that arise. 
  • Registration: You will assist people who need to register for the conference. This includes checking people’s names, giving out conference bags, etc. The registration team is busiest on Saturday and Sunday morning. 
  • Presenters’ Lounge: Volunteers make the sure Presenters’ Lounge is organized and clean.
  • Guides / Signs: You will help attendees find the venue. You will help put up signs and point people to the correct buildings.
  • Tech Team helps to set up the computers in the presentation rooms. They also respond to tech issues that arise during the conference. The Tech Team is great for motivated people who like to work on a close team!
  • Food & Beverage: There is a Member’s Event on Saturday evening. Volunteers will help with the food and drinks.
  • Other: Other departments that need volunteers include the Set Up, Tear Down, Help Desk, Conference Office, and Bag Check


Can I choose which department I work in? 

Sorry, no. However, you can make a request when you come to the conference but we cannot guarantee it. 

My English is not that good. ㅠㅠ 

It’s o.k.! Everybody at the conference is a teacher, and teachers are really kind! 

How do I register to be a volunteer? 

  1. Join the Facebook group called “KOTESOL Student Volunteers”.
  2. Click the link to the registration form and fill it out. 


I have a question. 

Ask us on the Facebook “KOTESOL Student Volunteers” page or email us at kotesolstudentvolunteers@gmail.com 

Don’t miss out on this FANTASTIC opportunity!! 

멋지고 흥미로운 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요! J