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Capture the KOTESOL Conference in a picture!

If a picture is worth 1,000 words, what picture best describes the KOTESOL International Conference?

Korea TESOL will grant prizes to the two best images in the following two classifications:

  • Web-media (any digital resolution is acceptable, including older phone cameras)
  • Print-media (high resolution, see definition below)

To enter, post your image on any public webhosting platform, and Tweet the file location (URL) with #KOTESOL or post on KOTESOL’s facebook


Best two images in each class win free admission to the 2016 KOTESOL International Conference


11:59pm Tuesday October 13th 2015 (Korea Standard Time)

[We welcome additional images after that, but the prize competition closes Tuesday evening]


All contestants agree to allow unlimited use and minor editing by KoreaTESOL for future publicity purposes. All photographers will be credited (unless they request otherwise). Only registered attendees (including presenters) are eligible for prizes. One prize per photographer, prizes are non-transferrable. Decision by the committee is final, awards to be announced on Sunday October 11th.



Minimum: 2048 by 1536 (3.1-megapixels) for a close-up image of an individual or small group; 3072×2304 (7 megapixels) for a larger group or setting. Please use the high resolution setting in your camera and expect very large files — do not crop or compress the original images! Expect JPG file sizes of 1~9mb, depending on various factors.