Schedule Abstracts BiosㅡSaturday

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Saturday Schedule

Sessions by Time Slot:  9:00  10:00  10:25  11:30  1:30  1:55  2:30  2:55  3:30  3:55  4:30

Schedule Change for: 2:30 B111

Sunday Schedule: HERE.     Conference Program Book at bottom of page or HERE.

9:00 B109 (Gemma Hall) ㅡ Lawrence Levy  (45 min.)

Sleep, Light, the Brain, and Behavior

The need for sleep and the role it plays in brain health, learning, and behavior has recently gained a great deal of attention. Recent advances in medical technology that allow researchers to view activities in the brain have resulted in some surprising discoveries. This talk, will introduce some of these recent discoveries in studies of sleep and how they relate to behaviour in general and learning in particular. The crucial relationship of sleep and light will be highlighted.

The Presenter
Lawrence S. Levy, originally from the United States, has lived in Japan for over thirty years. He is currently an assistant professor at Kyoto Bunkyo University in Kyoto, Japan, where he has been employed for the past twenty years. His fields of interest are minimal resource education with a focus on literacy training, task-based education, and more recently, brain-based education and learning. He has delivered presentations and workshops on these topics throughout Asia. Email:

9:00 B111 ㅡ Yoffie Kharisma Dewi  (45 min.)

Neurolinguistics Intervention for Limited Proficiency Students

Learning English, which deals with grammar and vocabulary, requires more attention and workable memory to keep them longer, things that are not easy for students with limited English proficiency (LEP). The limitation in English proficiency does not only cause students to pay less attention and have difficulty in memorizing the lesson, but it also affects their motivation in getting involved and practicing in class. Mostly teachers will have their own perspective and assessment of LEP students, but do they know why the students cannot pay attention and memorize the lesson quickly and well? Is it solely because of their limitation in English proficiency? Here is where neurolinguistics intervenes.

The Presenter
Yoffie Kharisma Dewi is a lecturer at Andalas University, Indonesia. She teaches English for Engineering, Economics, and Information Technology. She is also a visiting lecturer for English at Fort De Kock Health Sciences Institute, teaching English for Health Sciences for the past two years. She holds an MA in neurolinguistics from Andalas University, Indonesia. Therefore, most of her research is about ELT in neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and/or neuro-psycholinguistics. Limited English proficiency (LEP) and classroom management issues are also research interests. Email:

9:00 B178 ㅡ Colin Walker  (45 min.)

Having a Laugh: Just for Laughs in ELT

In contribution to the theme of this year’s conference, this hands-on presentation tasks participants to work in pairs/small groups to describe the narrative events of four Just for Laughs skits. The presentation includes narratively simple skits, and then transitions into more narratively complex skits that involve multiple actors, props, and simultaneous actions. Reflecting on the differences, participants will identify vocabulary and grammar items, and therefore be able to teach storytelling skills to learners with varying degrees of L2 proficiency. The latter half of the presentation will be reserved for discussion and sharing ideas. Attendees interested in learning how to teach skills in speaking and writing are sure to walk away from this workshop with an idea or two.

The Presenter
Colin Walker works as an assistant professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Myongji University, where he teaches courses in written composition, conversation, presentation, debate, and listening comprehension. He has an MA in TEFL/TESL from the University of Birmingham and has focused much of his recent research on teaching students skills in storytelling. In building a learner corpus comprised of written and spoken data, he seeks to understand how students use grammar and vocabulary items from standard EFL textbooks to describe narrative events. Email:  Web:

9:00 B161 ㅡ Wayne Finley  (45 min.)

Excessively Engaging Ways to Open Your Next Class

Every teacher knows the importance of student engagement. Not every teacher knows how to do it from the very first second of class. Whether you’re teaching pre-school, high school, or university, a great start goes a long way. Don’t let your students be the victims of the boring class opener. “Good morning. Open your books to page 33. Read the article. Let me know if you have any questions.” Let them run down the corridor to your next class on-time just so they don’t miss the beautiful beginning! Join us in this workshop to uncover excessively engaging ways to start your next class.

The Presenter
Wayne Finley is a teacher at Korea Polytechnic University. He has a BA in English studies, an MA in screenwriting, a shiny TEFL certificate, and experience in various roles. At different times he has been a teacher, a teacher-trainer, a university admissions officer, an institutional researcher, a professional development coordinator, and a fully-fledged member of KOTESOL Teacher Training. After spending years studying grammar, Wayne’s current interests are in the art of teaching. Many teachers can make a good lesson plan and explain a new concept, but not every teacher can truly engage and inspire a class full of students.

9:00 B121 ㅡ Scott Henderson  (45 min.)

Using Internet Memes to Teach English

Bad Luck Brian. Success Kid. Socially Awkward Penguin. These are just a few of the thousands of memes filling the Internet, and if you have not heard of them, you might be missing out on many entertaining and interesting cultural artifacts that can be used in your lessons. By using Internet memes, teachers can introduce popular culture and humor into the classroom while presenting learning materials that show English used authentically. Attendees of this workshop will first be offered ideas on how to use memes in their lessons. Participants will then break into small groups to brainstorm and share ideas on how to use memes in their teaching contexts. Finally, attendees will leave with new ideas that they can incorporate into their own lessons.

The Presenter
Scott Henderson obtained his MATESOL from Anaheim University, and he has taught at the university level in Korea for almost eight years. He is interested in using media and the arts to teach English. He also spends too much time on the Internet.

9:00 B109 ㅡ Alaric Naude  (45 min.)

Practical Neurolinguistics for the Classroom

The human brain is perhaps the most complex structure in the universe with neurons interacting through electro-chemical signaling. A discussion of basic neurobiology both anatomical and cellular will be undertaken. Further, the aforementioned methodologies will be expanded on and explained with audience participation and input being most welcome. Furthermore, the most up-to-date scientific understanding of brain function and anatomy in relation to language will be presented. Discussion will include (a) use of audio-visual learning techniques to retain new linguistic encoding, (b) age specific techniques, (c) revival of older techniques for adults in an attempt to simplify language learning, (d) how to simplify language for low level learners of all ages without losing pedagogical value, and (e) how some classical language techniques that have fallen into disuse actually assist the brain.

The Presenter
Alaric Naudé is currently a professor of clinical English and linguistics in the Department of Nursing at the University of Suwon’s Suwon Science College and has a doctorate in education (specializing in sociolinguistics) as well as a doctorate in education (specializing in applied linguistics). His areas of personal study include ancient and modern languages, translation, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, and linguistic pedagogy, and is well known in linguistics communities.

9:00 B142 ㅡ David Devora  (45 min.)

Using Relationships, Emotions, and Physical Activities to Enhance EFL Learning

This workshop will examine my educational philosophy of relational teaching as it relates to neuroscience with the pairing of relationships, emotions, and physical activities in the EFL classroom. The parts of the brain, such as the cerebral cortex, temporal lobes, limbic system, and cerebellum, are responsible for the formation of memories and learning. The limbic system, namely, the hippocampus and amygdala, also control basic emotions, feelings, and mood. The goal of this pairing of the classical conditioning of emotions and relationship with the learning process is to foster a positive attitude toward English learning. The second part of this workshop will demonstrate several practical techniques and activities that have worked in my classes over the last eight years.

The Presenter
David Devora is an associate professor in the Department of Industrial Psychology at Hoseo University in Cheonan. He also teaches several elective and conversation classes. He holds a degree in psychology from California State University, Bakersfield, with coursework in Biological Psychology with Lab. He is an active member of Cheonan Toastmasters, and was the vice-president of Cheonan for the Daejeon-Chungcheong Chapter of KOTESOL during 2013-2016. He is a self-taught EFL teacher and has over eight years of teaching experience in Korea. He also enjoys traveling, hiking, and spending time with friends. He has a black belt in taekwondo.

10:00 B107 (Gemma Hall) ㅡ Jeffrey Mehring  (45 min.)

The Reading Brain: ELT Teaching Strategies

Reading is the result of an elaborate process that involves decoding abstract symbols into sounds, then into words that generate meaning. Reading is probably the most difficult skill English language learners (ELL) encounter during their studies. This presentation will begin with the various stages the brain goes through while learning to read, building sounds into words, words into phrases, and phrases into sentences. The presentation will look at the roles short-term and working memory play in the reading process. The goal of this presentation is to help participants develop strategies they can apply in their reading classrooms to help ELLs become successful.

The Presenter
Jeff Mehring is a language specialist at SEAMEO-RELC in Singapore. He holds a master’s in teaching English as a second language from Hawaii Pacific University and a doctorate in education with a specialty in learning technologies from Pepperdine University. His dissertation examined Japanese undergraduates studying English in the flipped classroom. He has published extensively on educational neuroscience, the flipped classroom, and technology in the language classroom. Publications and more information can be found on his Email:

10:00 B111 ㅡ Tiffany Ip  (20 min.)

Factors Determining Children’s Success in EFL Learning

This presentation discusses two main questions related to English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) learning. First, is it true that introducing EFL at an early stage does more good than harm? Second, does our current EFL teaching practice contradict the directions for curriculum development? The issue would mainly be looked at in the context of Hong Kong, usually described as a bilingual society having a unique kind of bi-literacy and trilingualism policy. It is hoped that the scrutiny of the research findings and the current EFL learning situations in Hong Kong will shed light on teaching and learning practices in other contexts as well.

The Presenter
Tiffany Ip is a lecturer at Hong Kong Baptist University. She gained a PhD in neurolinguistics after completing her bachelor’s degree in psychology and linguistics. She strives to utilize her knowledge to translate brain research findings into practical classroom instruction. Email:

10:00 B178 ㅡ William Littlewood  (45 min.)

 Pathways into Memory (Featured Presentation)

This paper views second language learning from the perspective of concepts and processes illuminated by the study of memory. The paper starts from the multi-store model of memory (sensory, working and long-term) which was developed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and is still an influential framework for discussing memory. It then presents a model which draws on some key findings in memory research in order to account for how items pass from initial perception into long-term storage, where they can be retrieved to serve communication.

Whether the process of memorization is intentional or incidental, this is a less important factor than the depth of initial processing. This depends in turn on the learner’s perception of meaning and relevance in what is to be remembered. A further essential factor for retention is the amount and kind of practice that takes place. There is strong evidence that several shorter sessions of ‘distributed practice’ bring significantly better retention over long periods than an equivalent amount of time spent in ‘massed practice’. It has also been found that memory is facilitated when the situation of retrieval has features in common with the situation where the memory was first encoded. A review of the factors that help to open pathways into memory is important for developing an appropriate teaching methodology and reaching a fruitful synthesis of more modern ‘communicative’ trends in language teaching with more ‘traditional’ practices.

The Presenter
Bill Littlewood worked in secondary schools and teacher education in the UK before moving to Hong Kong, where he has worked at tertiary institutions and is currently Honorary Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University. In the UK and Hong Kong he has served on several government committees concerned with language teaching. Prof. Littlewood was one of the early proponents of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).  He has published widely in applied linguistics and language teaching. His books have been used widely in teacher education and translated into several languages, including Korean.

10:00 B161 ㅡ Stewart Gray  (20 min.)

Patterns and Rhythms: Etymology and Poetry for EFL Classes

Beneath all English words, there is a fascinating story of origin and interrelation; learning this story can make vocabulary acquisition enjoyable for L1 and L2 students. Drawing on the writings of etymologist Mark Forsyth, this presentation details the deeper meaning of certain English words to demonstrate some ways in which items of vocabulary can be presented in terms of their history and relation to one another. It also highlights the ways in which the natural stress of English words forms the basis of poetic rhythm, valuable knowledge for anyone teaching vocabulary, pronunciation, and/or creative expression. The goal of this presentation is to promote the inclusion of etymology and poetry in EFL education and to equip attendees with a few examples with which to get started.

The Presenter
Stewart Gray is an English teacher who has been living in Korea since 2011. He has worked with a wide variety of students in different contexts. He completed his MA TESOL at Dankook University (Jukjeon) and is a PhD student with the University of Leeds (England). He is currently one of the facilitators of the Korea TESOL organization’s Reflective Practice SIG. His research interests include language and identity, reflective practice, critical thinking, and critical pedagogies. Email:

10:00 B121 ㅡ James G. Rush, II  (20 min.)

Digital Citizenship and Your Classroom: A “Synapse-shot”

Participants co-create content in this session guaranteed to provoke one another into action. Two topics, driven by everyone’s experience and expertise. The first topic, Digital Citizenship, as a category of focus within the area of character education, is gaining relevance in English language teaching. The second topic, “NeuroELT,” is to help prepare you, the engaged-audience, for the remainder of the weekend. This time and space is intended to create an inclusive atmosphere. We will stimulate your neurotransmitters, build community, and share learning for the 21st century. Plan on lots of questions, some ambiguity, and an assembly of committed teachers who love boosting the power of our students in a most fabulous way.

The Presenter
James G. Rush, II, is in the General Education Department at Luther University in Yongin, South Korea. As an educator, James believes in “Serving to learn; learning to serve.” This has often resulted in project-based learning endeavors. Since 2005, he has mainly been in Asia, with a brief stay in South Africa and all in the context of Christian-sponsored settings. He earned his BA in secondary, business education from Concordia University of Wisconsin, USA, an EFL certification while in Vietnam, and his MA in educational technology from the University of Michigan-Flint, USA. Yes; that Flint. Please ask. Email:

10:00 B109 ㅡ Leonie Overbeek  (20 min.)

Running a Reading Club at Varying Levels

Extensive Reading (ER) is a valuable tool for language learners, and reading not because you have to, but because you want to, is a powerful motivator for learning the language. What does a teacher do when the ER club is populated by students who can read independently as well as students who can hardly read the alphabet? And all the other levels in between? This presentation will cover such a reading club that was run with 5th- and 6th-grade elementary school students in 2016, and will examine the practical organization required as well as report on the progress that students made during the year.

The Presenter
Leonie Overbeek trained in the fields of chemistry and engineering, and worked as a researcher in mining and metallurgical engineering in South Africa for over twenty years. She then joined Stellenbosch University and lectured on practical mineral processing before working as an administrator in the Physics Department. She holds a master’s in value and policy studies, and has done numerous online courses related to education. She is a voracious reader and believes that you continue to learn your whole life long. She currently works at public elementary school in South Korea.

10:00  B142 ㅡ Peter Edwards (45 min.)

From Japan to Colombia to Rwanda: Same Brains for Learning Across Continents

Appreciation for cultural differences and learning styles deserves attention and continued research. Still, my recent expeditions in Japan, Colombia, and Rwanda uncovered not only similar quests for bilingualism with English and local languages, but also very similar hurdles, often centering on a lack of willingness to communicate. Additionally, when people heard of my travels, they showed great curiosity but erroneously assumed their country’s situation to be very different from the others. Three of FAB11’s 50 Maxims nicely shape the deep structure and collected data of this presentation, and the challenges of bilingualism around the world. “Balanced bilinguals have an L1 self and an L2 self” (#44) underpins many of the difficulties in all three countries. “Alignment delivers us from chaos” (#18) cuts a path toward problem-solving across academic disciplines and national borders. Finally, “Emotion drives learning” (#1) speaks directly to the brain’s limbic system and various brain hormones that strongly affect attention, memory, and understanding, especially in the arena of social learning. Before my recent travels and extended stay in Japan, I lived for more than a decade in South Korea and welcome this opportunity to return and discuss our similar brains!

The Presenter
Originally from Washington, D.C., Peter Edwards received his MA in literature from UC Berkeley in the USA and his PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Nottingham in England, and has spent the past 23 years teaching and researching in East Asia. Study abroad, critical thinking, and MBE (Mind, Brain, and Education) studies hold some of his current attention. He was recently on assignment in Cali, Colombia, as an English Specialist consultant through the U.S. Embassy and is currently helping create a graduate language learning program at Mount Kenya University in Kigali, Rwanda.

10:25 B111 ㅡ Sun-Hee Bae  (20 min.)

Second Language Learners’ Processing of the English Past Tense

While native speakers of English (L1) show significant priming effects for regularly inflected words (prayed > pray), second language learners of the language (L2) do not. The current pilot study suggests that lack of priming effects for regular inflection of L2s cannot serve as an indication that L2s are storing inflected words as “wholes” in memory as L1s would for irregular past tense: L2 speakers are strongly affected by orthography, an overlooked confounder in the earlier priming experiments. The current research presents alternative interpretations of experimental results proposed in previous studies, alerting the researchers in the field of neuro-ELT to the danger of blindly adopting given interpretations into ELT materials.

The Presenter
Sun-Hee Bae (PhD) is an assistant professor in the Department of English at the American University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. Her areas of research and teaching interests are phonetics/phonology, syntax/prosody, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition. She has previously taught in the Department of Linguistics and at the Institute for English Language Programs at Harvard University. Email:

10:25 B161 ㅡ Alex Grevett  (20 min.)

Four Dimensions of Conversation Assessment (and Teaching)

In this talk, I will introduce four dimensions of conversational assessment: naturalness, smoothness, reactiveness, and abstractness. These form an alternative (or a complement) to traditional dimensions such as grammatical accuracy or fluency. When used as a basis for assessment, these dimensions can lead to an authentic test of conversation, which in turn leads to greater performance and participation in the conversation classroom. Using materials that I have developed, I will explain each dimension and how it can be assessed, and then introduce an activity or idea for teaching it. These four dimensions and activities can be put to use immediately by attendees hoping to increase the amount of less-structured talking and language acquisition in their classrooms.

The Presenter
Alex Grevett is the program manager for Korea Polytechnic University’s Language Education Center. He has spent five years fiddling around with getting students not only to talk in classrooms, but to talk in ways that are useful for learning. He has a much-neglected blog at, and can sometimes be found tweeting about ELT from @breathyvowel. Email:

10:25 B121 ㅡ Dan Svoboda  (20 min.)

Emotional Engagement: Student Presentation-Centered Instruction Using Poetry

Poetry, especially rhythmic poetry, has always been a popular and engaging way of learning a new language. The selection of a poem, however, is only the first of many steps on the long and sometimes complicated journey of integrating the magic of poetry into the language learning classroom. In this interactive presentation, a tried-and-tested approach to integrating student presentation-centered instruction using poetry will be examined. The focus will be on areas where EFL students stand to gain the most from using poems in the classroom. The presentation will culminate with a “micro” lesson where participants may create a “student presentation” utilizing the skills outlined during the presentation based on a poem of their choice.

The Presenter
Daniel Svoboda is an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation (GSIT) at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul, Korea. He graduated with an MA in literature in 2011 and is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in literature. Email:

10:25 B109 ㅡ Balil Qureshi  (20 min.)

Online Discussion Boards: A Potent Tool for EFL Writers
As information technologies have become more and more engrained in everyday life, some educators have been convinced that they should not reject them in the education context but use their strength as a teaching medium. In contrast to the rejection of the use of Internet technologies for EFL writing classes, as some might consider them a distraction to learners’ writing development, this study found that online resources had great potential for EFL writing classes. It was found that Korean EFL writing learners showed positive attitudes towards online discussion boards, specifically with regards to (a) feelings of autonomy, (b) writing improvement, and (c) enhanced interpersonal skills. Teachers are recommended to encourage EFL writing learners to incorporate digital devices into their learning as a potential resource.

The Presenter
Bilal Qureshi, MA TESOL, is currently an EdD TESOL candidate at Queens University Belfast, UK, and is an assistant professor at Seokyeong University in Seoul. Bilal is interested in the area of computer-assisted language learning and its implications in the EFL context. In addition, the presenter strongly believes that new inventions of the modern age, including smart phones and tablets PCs, are great potential resources for EFL learners’ language enhancement in and outside of the classroom.

11:00 B107 (Gemma Hall)

Opening Ceremony

11:30 B107 (Gemma Hall)

Morning Plenary Session 

Robert Murphy & Curtis Kelly

What Neuroscience Tells Us About Language Learning  (60 min.)

We are in the business of language, and we are in the business of memory.  Understanding how the brain handles language and memory will give a better understanding of what happens daily in our classrooms.  Let’s look at the basic principles from neuroscience that inform us on language learning and explore some recent discoveries. Factors influencing learning include attention, prediction, novelty, and what might be most important, emotion.  As for language, we no longer believe that words are stored in specific places, as in a dictionary, but rather exist as wide-ranging networks in the sensory cortices, networks that are also used for perception and episodic memory. On encountering a word, a sensory simulation is instigated.

The Plenary Speakers
Robert S. Murphy is the co-founder of the International FAB (neuroELT) Conferences and a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics at the University of Nottingham, UK. He has studied Mind, Brain, and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh. Robert has an MA from the University of Birmingham in TEFL/TESL, is the founder of Murphy School of Education, full-time Lecturer at the University of Kitakyushu, and the author of the Optimal Levels! textbook series published by Deeper Understanding Books.  He has been a leading voice for “neuroELT” in Asia.
Curtis Kelly (EdD), popular speaker and writer, is a professor of English at Kansai University in Japan. His life mission is to “relieve the suffering of the classroom.” To do so, he has made over 400 presentations on neuroscience, motivation, and teaching writing, and has written over 30 books, including Significant Scribbles (Longman), Active Skills for Communication (Cengage), and Writing from Within (Cambridge).  These have allowed him to design learner-centered activities for “3L” English students: students with Low ability, Low confidence, and Low motivation.

12:30-1:30 Lunchtime Break

1:30 B107 (Gemma Hall) ㅡ Steve Jugovic  (45 min.)

Attention and Memory: Cognitive Processes in Transfer and Retrieval

The essence of learning is based on the connected factors of attention and memory. For various reasons, we often encounter difficulties maintaining student’s attention and recognize the fluctuations in the student’s recall of classroom content soon after teaching. If a student asked us “what is the most effective and efficient way for me to study and remember,” how would we respond? Deeper understanding of cognitive processes and more effective teaching approaches should be an aim towards better facilitating memory storage and retrieval in our students. One of the most prevalent university teaching methods is the convenient and passive “lecture style” approach, yet this is the least effective for memory retention. Conversely, facilitating student peer-teaching opportunities is highly effective due to the complex cognitive processing required.

The Presenter
Steve Jugovic is an associate professor and English program coordinator, and has presented at numerous conferences, mostly throughout Asia. His research interests include materials design, CLIL, integrating movement in the classroom, student motivation, and various Mind, Brain, and Education Science themes such as attention and memory, and movement and health. Based in Japan, he is involved with neuroELT, the application of neuroscience to English language teaching. Email:

1:30 B111 ㅡ Allan Cheung & Qianfan Charlotte Ouyang  (20 min.)

Three In-Class Activities That Will Motivate Students

The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate three activities: Name Bingo, Four Corners Debate, and Speed Dating, which can create a more active student-centered classroom. The demonstration will show how these activities will motivate students to speak, discuss, and participate while in the classroom. In order to promote student autonomy, the presentation hypothesizes that the activities will simulate rapport in the classroom while the teacher’s role is decentralized; in turn, the classroom community will become more student-oriented. The workshop will describe the three in-class activities, indicating intended learning outcomes and aiming at enhancing the classroom learning and teaching experience for both learners and instructors.

Allan Cheung is a Chinese American born and raised in San Francisco. He studied Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University. As an instructor at City University of Hong Kong, he teaches speaking and writing courses and is completing his MA in language studies. Email:
ㅡ Qianfan Charlotte OUYANG is an English tutor at Shenzhen Concord College of Sino-Canada. She received her BA (French) at Central South University of Technology and Forestry (Changsha, Hunan). As a recent MA graduate in language studies (English) at Hong Kong Baptist University, her interests include both theoretical and applied linguistics with a focus on SLA, and language and gender. Email:

1:30 B178 ㅡ JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall  (45 min.)

 Motivating Young Learners to Read and Write:
Reading and Writing in the Young Learner Classroom (Featured Presentation)

For a number of reasons – class size, children’s attention spans, children’s level of literacy in their mother tongue, even our own insecurity about writing – there is a tendency to focus on oral language skills in English classes for young learners (YLs). However, it is possible to help children develop their written language skills, even at very beginning levels. In this presentation, we’ll look at a number of motivating activities to integrate reading and writing into the YL class, including ways to connect reading and writing when listening to stories being read aloud or when reading and writing about informational texts, fun ways to use names for reading and writing, and a range of other types of reading and writing (poems, invitations, emails, descriptions, or narrations). We’ll also discuss the importance of using multimedia (captioned photos, drawings, posters, etc.) as well as ways to help learners develop critical literacy skills.

The Presenter
JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall is former Director of the M.A. TESOL and Language, Literacy, and Culture Ph.D. Programs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She is the author of more than 100 articles, books, and chapters on curriculum and instruction, teacher education, and professional development in ESL/EFL/EYL. Recent publications, some award-winning, include Teaching Young Learners English and several English textbook series for young learners – Our World, Explore Our World, and Welcome to Our World. She is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences and has provided professional development in more than 40 countries, including a partnership with Sookmyung Women’s University. Dr. Crandall was President of International TESOL, WATESOL (Washington, DC), and the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL).

1:30 B161 ㅡ Yu Jung HAN  (20 min.)

English Learner at School, English User in Cyber Space

With the advent of multimodal content-sharing platforms and team-based online games, there is an increasing number of ELLs who actively use English solely with the intrinsic motivation to better engage with the content of interest. It calls for greater attention of ELT educators to current trends on how our English learners in the classroom codeswitch to active and autonomous English users in cyber space. In this talk, the presenter will demonstrate how the power dynamic that English has had is changing by looking at popular online content areas. The presenter will highlight what learning potential these shifts in informal learning settings have in formal ELT settings by applying the concept of connected learning. A lively discussion among participants is highly expected.

The Presenter
Yu Jung Han is an English instructor/teacher trainer with twelve years of international teaching experience. She has taught English in her native country of Korea, Japan, and after receiving a master’s in TESOL, in the United States. In 2015, she started her first semester as a PhD student in teaching and curriculum at the University of Rochester. She is also an adjunct faculty at the same school, teaching a course titled ED 480: Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism. Her research interests lie in autonomous and interest-driven second language learning spaces, education technology, and English language learners’ identities and motivation. Email:

1:30 B121 ㅡ Michael Heinz  (20 min.)

Unique Debate Formats for Collaboration in the ELT Classroom

Classical debate is an excellent ELT classroom exercise that encourages students to speak extemporaneously as well as to think critically. However, its antagonistic format has a tendency to create an uncomfortable environment for students because it forces the students into adversarial roles. Many people have difficulty in maintaining emotional detachment from a debate, which can lead to tensions within the classroom. In this talk, several alternative formats are discussed that promote collaboration by focusing on debates centered around how best something may be achieved as opposed to debating diametrically opposed policies. These formats can be expanded to accommodate the entire taxonomy of critical thinking skills and a variety of topics.

The Presenter
Michael Heinz is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. His courses provide language support for interpreters-in-training with a focus on knowledge acquisition and improving register. He has worked in the ELT field for thirteen years.

1:30 B109 ㅡ Le, Nu Cam Le / Bui, Thi Than Hoa / Pham, Hoai Anh  (20 min.)

Teachers’ Interactional Strategies and Their Influences on Language Learning

Teacher talk (TT) has been widely researched in language learning and teaching. Research on TT has long focused on its quantity and teachers have been repeatedly advised to reduce their talking time for student talk. However, a less quantitative research on TT with greater focus on its quality has been done in a number of works. In this talk, we will provide an insight into this shift acknowledging the importance of quality TT over its quantity. Specifically, the focus will be on the relatedness between teacher’s use of language and learning opportunities and the interdependency between TT and pedagogical goals. Simultaneously, extracts of classroom recordings will be analyzed to determine the influences of teachers’ interactional strategies on language learning.

The Presenters:
ㅡ Le Nu Cam Le is lecturer of English at the School of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam. She obtained her MA degree in applied linguistics and TESOL from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK. Email:
ㅡ Bui Thi Thanh Hoa has spent the last nine years in education both as a teacher and a researcher. Currently, she is working at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology. She earned a Master degree in Higher Education Research and Development from University of Kassel, Germany. Email:
ㅡ Pham Hoai Anh is a lecturer at Hanoi University of Science & Technology. Pham received a masters’ degree in linguistics at Vietnam National University and master of philosophy in education at Cambridge University, UK. Email:

1:55 B111 ㅡ Sumie Chan  (20 min.)

What Motivates Students to Learn in Hong Kong?

This presentation focuses on examining how English language teachers can motivate student interest in acquiring English as a second language in an effective way in Hong Kong. I argue that the ways to govern children’s learning behaviors in kindergartens and primary schools, adolescents in secondary schools, and young adults in tertiary education are entirely different. The research is based on the various teaching methodologies that experienced English teachers have been using in classrooms.  I also look at the correlation between the teachers’ methodologies and the effectiveness of strategies in motivating students to self-learn inside and outside classrooms, based on the neuroscience and psychology of Hong Kong students of different age groups.

The Presenter
Sumie Chan is currently a visiting fellow at the City University of Hong Kong, teaching the undergraduate courses of University English, Exploring English Cinema, Introduction to Film Studies, and Shakespeare: Introduction to Genius. Her major areas of studies are literary and cultural theories, comparative literature, and literature in English. She has experience in teaching primary school, secondary school, college, and university students, and therefore, has great interest in researching the different incentives to motivate second language learners in acquiring English in the classroom. Email:

1:55 B161 ㅡ Yong-Jik Lee  (20 min.)

Implementing an ESL Microteaching in Elementary Pre-service Teacher Education

This project aims to understand how a microteaching activity in elementary pre-service teachers’ ESL teacher preparation shapes teacher-candidates’ sense of efficacy in teaching English language learners. Based on design-based research, the researcher will discuss how ESL microteaching experiences influence pre-service teachers’ views of being and becoming future teachers of ELLs.

The Presenter
Yong-Jik Lee is a PhD candidate focusing in ESOL/bilingual education. His research interests include pre-service teachers’ ESL field experience and implementing flipped learning in pre-service teachers’ ESL teacher education. Email:

1:55 B121 ㅡ Letty Chan  (20 min.)

The Interplay of the Ideal Selves, Imagery, and Context

Self-concept is a fascinating topic that has captured the imagination of SLA researchers in recent years, especially since the inception of “The Motivational Self System,” which operationalizes motivation as a function of learners’ future identities. In a longitudinal qualitative study spanning over three years, this study explored the changes of ideal self and mental imagery through the case of an English language professional, examining the changes through the participant’s transitional phases of completing a doctoral degree to realizing his career aspirations. The results have revealed the mechanisms and dynamic interplay of the ideal selves, imagery, and motivational dynamics as they are situated in the contextual environment.

Letty Chan is a lecturer in the Department of English Language Education at the Education University of Hong Kong, where she is currently teaching academic English, ELT pedagogy, and professional development programs. She had been teaching English in secondary schools and university before becoming a teacher educator. She completed her PhD at the University of Nottingham (UK), focusing on L2 vision and motivation. Her research interests include L2 motivation, The L2 Motivational Self System, imagination and learning, and English teacher education.

1:55 B109 ㅡ Victor Reeser  (20 min.)

Smart Phones Make Smarter Students

Smart phones are often viewed as distractions from learning. Many educators elect to ban the use of smart phones during class time. However, there is an increasingly large number of resources (specifically online resources) that can turn smart phones into engaging learning tools that assist with language development and promote class participation. Two such resources will be demonstrated during the presentation. The first is Quizlet, an excellent resource for vocabulary study that gives teachers the freedom to create customized vocabulary lists with pictures. One function in particular, the fast-paced vocabulary practice activity Quizlet Live, will be demonstrated. The second resource is Google Forms, a free tool that allows you to easily create and share assignments with automated collection and scoring capabilities.

The Presenter
Victor Reeser‘s passion for language learning brought him to South Korea in 2009. Originally from Oregon, USA, he spent his first few years here balancing business and education as the head teacher of a private academy in Ansan. In 2012, he joined the Tourism English Department of Suwon Science College, where he currently works as an assistant professor. He is currently researching effective learning strategies that promote vocabulary comprehension and retention. Other research interests include integrating educational technology into language classrooms and the effects of feedback on student motivation. Email:

2:30 B107 (Gemma Hall) ㅡ Joseph Shaules  (45 min.)

Deep Learning: From Embodied Cognition to Personal Transformation

Traditional study of words and grammar is often not enough for learners to master a foreign language. A deeper kind of learning is needed to fully internalize and make use of a new language. This presentation will explore how we can encourage this deep learning in the classroom. We will learn about conscious and unconscious learning processes, embodied cognition, and four levels of deep learning. We will see that deep learning is not only more effective, it is also more engaging and transformational.

The Presenter
Joseph Shaules (PhD) has worked in intercultural education in Japan, Mexico, and Europe for more than 25 years. He is a professor in Juntendo University’s Faculty of International Liberal Arts in Tokyo. He is the director of the Japan Intercultural Institute and the author of books and textbooks, including Identity (Oxford), Impact Issues (Pearson), Deep Culture (Multilingual Matters), and most recently, The Intercultural Mind (Intercultural Press). He is interested in language learning for intercultural understanding, motivation, and curriculum planning. Email:

2:30 B111 ㅡ NEW Scheduling: Tom Gorham et al. (20 min.)

“LIVE” from Harvard: Innovations in Mind, Brain, and Education
(Video presentation, facilitated)

Cancelled: Jeremiah Scalia & Robert Price  (20 min.)
Lexical Contradistinction and Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition


2:30 B178 ㅡ Casey Lartigue, Eunkoo Lee, & Jinhee Han  (45 min.)

“Hello, Konglish!”: North Korean Refugees Adjusting to South Korea

An estimated 30,000 North Korean refugees have escaped to South Korea since the late 1990s. Many cite English as a barrier to advancement in South Korea and as a primary reason that they don’t pursue opportunities to live or study abroad. They often find themselves eliminated from jobs locally or abroad because of low English ability or struggling in their university studies because of their inability to fully comprehend or complete classwork in English. This session reports on a project assisting refugees with learning English to help them get prepared for university life and the job market, and will include a first-hand account from a North Korean refugee who was an English teacher in North Korea.

The Presenters
ㅡ Casey Lartigue Jr., co-founder of the Teach North Korean Refugees Global Education Center (TNKR) in Seoul, has a master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a bachelor’s degree from the Harvard University Extension School.
ㅡ Eunkoo Lee, co-founder of the Teach North Korean Refugees Global Education Center (TNKR) in Seoul, has master’s degrees in North Korean Studies from Ewha Woman’s University and in international studies from Sheffield University in the UK.
ㅡ Jinhee Han, formerly an English teacher in North Korea, is now a coordinator in South Korea at an alternative school for North Korean refugee children.

2:30 B161 ㅡ Maria Lisak  (45 min.)

Joining Generations: LifeLong Learning, Language, and Coding
Language learning is not just for the young. Studies show learning a new language or learning coding can help improve brain health. Learning new languages, even computer language like coding, can help your brain stay juicy! By combining English language learning with basic coding, new spaces can be created between generations. Younger digital natives can help their elders code while both practice some English! This workshop is a chance to learn about how activity theory and computational collaboration can create Third Spaces for multi-generational language learning and coding. The presenter shares how smart devices can bridge the generations, where the younger person becomes the teacher for the older person. Also explored are ideas for creating Third Spaces for learning outside of the classroom.

The Presenter
Maria Lisak teaches in the Public Administration and Social Welfare Department at Chosun University in Gwangju. She designs and teaches an English language course for Korean university sophomores in administration and welfare. With a masters in instructional systems technology and her current work on an EdD in literacy, culture, and language education through Indiana University, she researches how older adults resist digital literacy and how transnationals express their cosmopolitan literacies. Email:

2:30 B121 ㅡ Michael Free  (45 min.)

Scaffolding and Strands in Content-Based Course Design

This demonstration discusses how task scaffolding and Paul Nation’s four strands can be used to strengthen the pedagogical structure of a content-based course. The first of these, task scaffolding, “allows for the appropriate sequencing of content and language” (Llinares et al.). The second is the four strands, “a framework that is useful for conceptualizing the essential contexts for learning both language and content” (P.M. Lightbown). The presenter will show how he has used task scaffolding in conjunction with Nation’s framework in designing a CBLT course. He will focus intensively on how task scaffolding can be used to properly balance the four strands, “each of which should have roughly the same amount of time in a well-balanced course” (I.S.P. Nation). There will be an opportunity for attendee questions during and after the presentation.

The Presenter
Michael Free holds master’s degrees in TEFL (University of Birmingham) and Arts (McMaster University). His professional interests include content-based language teaching, English as a lingua franca, and humanist education. He is very active in professional development and is serving his third term as president of the Gangwon Chapter of KOTESOL. He is currently a visiting professor based out of the Global English Center of Gangneung-Wonju National University (Gangneung Campus).

2:30 B109 ㅡ Joanne McCuaig (University of Birmingham – Promotional)  45 min.

The University of Birmingham: MA TESOL / MA Applied Linguistics

The University of Birmingham, UK, is pleased to offer an information session about the distance (and campus-based) MA programs it offers in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Topics covered include structure of the program, courses offered, program expectations, timelines, and program costs. As well, we will be talking about what kinds of students take the program, how to be successful in your MA studies with Birmingham, and if this program is a fit for your needs. Questions are always welcome, and if you can’t attend the session, please come visit our promotional table to speak with us. For more information about the program, please visit:…

The Presenter
Joanne McCuaig is a 2012 graduate of the University of Birmingham, MA in Applied Linguistics (with distinction). She is a tutor and dissertation supervisor for the program, as well as the in-country representative for Korea and Japan. Email:

2:55 B111 ㅡ Sarah Miner  (20 min.)

Using Eye-Tracking to Understand English Reading Processes

Idioms (such as “think outside the box”) are a frequently used feature of English, not only in casual conversation but also in academic and professional settings. Unfortunately, understanding idioms often proves to be a daunting obstacle for learners. This research presentation will begin with an overview of eye-tracking research, what it measures, and how it has been used to study second language reading. The process and results of a pilot study using eye-tracking to compare the processing of idiomatic and non-idiomatic sentences by non-native English speakers will also be discussed.

The Presenter
Sarah Miner is a graduate student from Utah, USA. She is currently studying TESOL at Brigham Young University in America. Her thesis is focused on studying the reading processes of English language learners through eye-tracking studies. She has previously taught English in a variety of contexts including intensive English programs, community programs in Japan and America, a TOEFL preparation course, and a language café in Korea. Her research interests are centered on reading, cultural differences, and student motivation. Email:

3:30 B107 (Gemma Hall) ㅡ Leonie Overbeek & Jorge Correa Rodriguez  (45 min.)

NeuroELT Curriculum Design Think Tank: A.R.C. and BRAIN Models

The FAB planners have put these two powerhouses together to make a think tank on brain-friendly curriculum design. They will offer two models for designing and managing language learning. Leonie’s A.R.C. model of Attention, Repetition, and Consolidation is based on the latest findings in neurological research that focus on learning and memory, and on pedagogical principles that have stood the test of time. Jorge’s BRAIN learning-teaching model aims to facilitate the natural processes the student’s brain undergoes when learning anything. The acronym “BRAIN” stands for Body-Rapport-Attention-Interactions-Networks.

The Presenters
ㅡ Jorge Correa Rodriguez is a Chilean English teacher. He studied English teaching at Bio-Bio University and holds a master’s in TEFL from Andres Bello University. He was a researcher at the University of Fukui in Japan and is presently a PhD student in curriculum and teaching methodology at Central China Normal University in Wuhan. His research interests are educational neuroscience and teaching methodologies. Email:
ㅡ Leonie Overbeek trained in chemistry and engineering, and worked as a researcher in South Africa for over 20 years. She then joined Stellenbosch University and lectured on practical mineral processing. She holds a master’s in value and policy studies. She currently works at public elementary school in South Korea. Email:

3:30 B111 ㅡ Barry Bai  (20 min.)

Five Steps to Teach Goal-Setting in English Writing

The presenter will demonstrate how goal-setting can be embedded in EFL writing lessons, based on Chamot et al.’s (1999) strategy instruction model. In a broad sense, setting goals is to develop personal objectives or decide on the purpose(s) of a particular task or action. In writing, goal-setting involves deciding what purpose(s) a writer intends a particular piece of writing to serve, for example, to inform, to explain, to defend a view, or to entertain the reader with a story. Clear writing goals are crucial for effective written communication as they bear on subsequent considerations of the intended reader, the necessary information to include, and the most optimal ways of presenting and organizing the information.

The Presenter
Barry Bai, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where he teaches ELT-related courses. He has extensive teaching and teacher training experience in Singapore, Hong Kong, and China. His research interests include teaching ESL/EFL, writing strategies, and teacher education. His work appears in TESOL Quarterly, System, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, and the Journal of Education for Teaching. Email:

3:30 B178 ㅡ Anniversary Colloquium  (45 min.)

TESOL in Korea & Beyond: Advances Made, Directions Forward

This colloquium aims to take a brief look at where TESOL in Korea has come from, where it is at today, and the directions it should take both in Korea and globally. The focus will be on teaching practices as well as teacher training. Korea-linked perspectives from Japan, Hong Kong, and the United States will be expressed. Audience comments and questions will be included.

The Panelists
ㅡ JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall, University of Maryland-Baltimore
ㅡ William Littlewood, Hong Kong Baptist University
ㅡ Curtis Kelly, Kansai University
ㅡ Kyungsook Yeum, Sookmyung Women’s University
ㅡ David Shaffer, Chosun University.

3:30 B161 ㅡ Cheryl Woelk  (45 min.)

Tools for Life: Integrating Peacebuilding Skills and ELT

This workshop explores ways to integrate skills for peacebuilding into our lessons. Integrating peacebuilding and English language teaching seems challenging, but good communication is important for both language learning and dealing with conflict, which means there is already overlap. However, English language teachers can also nurture skills for intercultural communication, negotiation and mediation, conflict resolution, and more to empower students to deal with conflict in various settings across cultures. We will begin with a brief discussion of peacebuilding. Participants will then examine a detailed list of peacebuilding skills to consider which might be appropriate to include in their contexts, and then brainstorm ideas of how to model and nurture these skills in their lessons and practice them in the classroom.

The Presenter
Cheryl Woelk is a language instructor and peace educator who works with learners, educators, newcomer communities and university programs in various settings in Asia and North America. She currently serves as the head teacher at Connexus Language Institute and coordinates the Language for Peace project, integrating language and peace education curriculum. Cheryl is active in TESOL International and co-author of the book, Teaching English for Reconciliation (forthcoming). She holds a BA in English, a certificate in TEFL, and an MA in education and conflict transformation. Cheryl lives in Seoul. Email:

3:30 B121 ㅡ Jeffrey Mehring  (45 min.)

Integration of Collaborative Mobile Apps into the Language Classroom

In this presentation, the presenter will demonstrate how he has used the mobile apps Slack, Dropbox, and Remind to create a collaborative, learning environment. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from the presenter’s mistakes as they use the apps to create and design their own learning environment. From discussions to collaborative writing, to annotating texts online, the goal is for participants to gain the skills and confidence necessary to successfully implement these apps in their classroom. The workshop is open to all levels of educators and only requires basic computer skills. It is recommended that participants create accounts for the apps beforehand and bring a PC or mobile device to participate fully.

The Presenter
Jeff Mehring is a language specialist at SEAMEO-RELC in Singapore. He holds a master’s in teaching English as a second language from Hawaii Pacific University and a doctorate in education with a specialty in learning technologies from Pepperdine University. His dissertation examined Japanese undergraduates studying English in the flipped classroom. He has published extensively on the flipped classroom, educational neuroscience, and technology in the language classroom. Publications and more information can be found on his website: Email:

3:30 B109 ㅡ Daniel Corks  (45 min.)

Language Learning Myths vs. SLA Research

How does language learning take place? How should languages be taught? Everyone has their own beliefs surrounding these two questions – sometimes quite strong ones – even if we’re not consciously aware of them. A few examples: Highly intelligent people are good language learners. Teachers should teach simple language structures before complex ones. These beliefs shape how we teach, so it’s important that we (a) are aware of our beliefs and (b) look at them critically to see if they really hold up. The field of second language acquisition (SLA) looks at exactly these types of questions. Using SLA research findings and the audience’s knowledge, we’ll take a critical look at 10 (time permitting) popular beliefs about language learning and teaching.

The Presenter
Daniel Corks is a graduate of Sogang University in Seoul with a master‘s degree in applied linguistics in the field of second language acquisition. He is currently an assistant professor at Dongshin University in Naju, Korea, and a member of the Gwangju-Jeonnam Chapter of KOTESOL. Email: dcorks[at]gmail[dot]com

3:55 B111 ㅡ Parker Kelly  (20 min.)

Relationship of Achievement Goal Profiles with Listening Comprehension Strategization

This presentation is an overview of recently published research exploring relationships between mixed achievement goals and metacognition in Chinese English-major students’ in-class listening comprehension and strategy selection, continuing threads of traditional research into the receptive language modalities of reading and listening. Stereotypes of foreign English teachers are also examined for their positive and negative effects on student affect, cognition, and metacognition. The main findings are that subjects with strong mastery achievement goals measure high on listening comprehension tests and demonstrate heightened competence with top-down listening comprehension strategies. Other findings confirm prior suggestions that students with heightened comprehension may not always use, or be cognizant of, bottom-up learning strategies.

The Presenter
Kelly Parker is currently an English composition instructor for an online university, the University of the People, Pasadena, USA. He has developed research interests in both listening and reading comprehension. In his first presentation at FAB10 – Macau, socioculturally appropriate assessment design was considered along with a reflection on a reading comprehension research case study. At FAB11–KOTESOL 2017 in Seoul, he will present recently published research done with listening comprehension students in Northwest China. Email:

4:30 B107 (Gemma Hall)

Afternoon Plenary Session

Curtis Kelly & Robert Murphy

What Neuroscience Tells Us About Language Teaching  (50 min.)

Neuroscience might be unraveling the mysteries of learning, but as many experts have noted, these findings are having a hard time making it into the classroom. Let us see if we can change that. Let’s take the principles of language learning discussed in the first plenary and use them in lesson design. Understanding concepts like optimal support, life stage development, and predictive processing, and how they influence learning, will help you make your classes more brain friendly. Interestingly, most of the findings in neuroscience support what most teachers have known intuitively, but have been generally absent from TESL literature. Neuroscience tells us why things like surprise, interpersonal sharing, stories, and personal relevance are powerful tools for good teaching.

The Plenary Speakers
ㅡ Curtis Kelly (EdD), popular speaker and writer, is a professor of English at Kansai University in Japan. His life mission is to “relieve the suffering of the classroom.” To do so, he has made over 400 presentations on neuroscience, motivation, and teaching writing, and has written over 30 books, including Significant Scribbles (Longman), Active Skills for Communication (Cengage), and Writing from Within (Cambridge). These have allowed him to design learner-centered activities for “3L” English students: students with Low ability, Low confidence, and Low motivation.
ㅡ Robert S. Murphy is the co-founder of the International FAB (neuroELT) Conferences and a PhD candidate in applied linguistics at the University of Nottingham, UK. He has studied Mind, Brain, and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and neuroimaging at the University of Edinburgh. Robert has an MA from the University of Birmingham in TEFL/TESL, is the founder of Murphy School of Education, a full-time lecturer at the University of Kitakyushu, and the author of the Optimal Levels! textbook series published by Deeper Understanding Books. He has been a leading voice for “neuroELT” in Asia.

5:20 B107 (Gemma Hall)


6:00 Ashley Buffet Restaurant

Post-Conference Social Dinner (ticketed event)