Demographics at KOTESOL International Conferences


The figures listed below are not very scientific, but represent some attempt at profiling our annual international conference attendees. Many attendees resist collection of demographics*, and others are hard to classify due to the nature of their teaching positions, perhaps working in more than one workplace, with diverse learners. The distinction between Koreans and “native-speakers” is particularly challenging, considering the vagueness of that term and the fact that many of our members have Korean names and foreign passports. (Note that in 2018 we are requesting Nationality and Country of Residence.)

  • Participant totals range from 800 ~ 1,200 most years, combined between Pre-registration and On-site (day of event) registration.
  • Typically ~25% of our attendees are Korean, the remainder are expatriates teaching in Korea, or visitors from other lands.
  • In recent years pre-registration accounts for roughly 2/3 of all attendees.
  • Most KOTESOL members attend the international conference, and more than half of all KOTESOL memberships are joined/renewed through the conference pre-registration process.
  • Group registrations provide less demographic information on individuals.
  • 2017 Pre-registration information (598 individuals) included the following summaries —
  • Female  41.8%
  • Male  42.0%
  • Gender Undefined  16.2%  **
  • K-12  28.1%
  • Hagwon   9.2%
  • Univ  27.8%
  • No School Data  34.9%  *
  • Overseas Participants  27.4%
  • Korean  24.4%
  • For 2015 Pre-registrations (Aug-September 2015), we have more detailed employment information, status was reported as follows —
  • Very Young Learners  13.2%
  • Elementary School  27.6%
  • Middle School  24.1%
  • High School  18.26%
  • University Language Center  28.5%
  • University (not language center)  36.5%
  • Private academy/hagwon  11.2%
  • Board of education office  1.8%
  • Company Training Team  3.8%
  • Book Company Staff  0.3%
  • Other types of employment  5.9%

Please note that some respondents report more than one workplace type, for example, when they teach elementary school students in a private language academy, while others may work in more than one workplace type (e.g., university language center and departmental courses).

KOTESOL membership was approximately 675 during the recent year. (Numbers fluctuate somewhat month to month.)

See these pages for more information on KOTESOL’s International Conferences.

* roughly 40% of all conference attendees decline to report demographic data.
** gender cannot be determined for some names, e.g., Chris, Jinyoung)

rev. 2018.09.18.