Pre-KOTESOL Publications

Korea TESOL inherited the legacy of 12 years of publications by the Association of English Teachers in Korea (AETK; 1981-1992). These ties are expressly recognized in the masthead in Language Teaching: The Korea TESOL Journal, which was published by KOTESOL from 1993~1997.

The look and feel of the final issues of AETK News, along with most of the editors and contributors, transferred to Language Teaching. And The English Connection, Korea TESOL Journal, and KOTESOL Proceedings are the current serial publications from this legacy.

KOTESOL is proud to recognize these ties, and share past issues from our predecessor.

The title of this AETK publication varied over the years, including

  • Teaching English in Korea: The Newsletter
  • AETK News
  • AETK Bulletin
  • AETK Newsletter

Looking Back (from AETK Bulletin #11, Jan 1989)

The first AETK newsletter was called Teaching English in Korea and began with Barbara Mintz as editor in January 1982. There were five issues in Volume 1 (1982), three in Volume 2 (1983), and one in Volume 3 (1984). The name was changed to AETK News when the present editor (Eric Strickland) began in 1985, but the system of numbering was continued. There were five issues in Volume 4 (1985-1986) and five in Volume 5 (1986-1987).

The present newsletter, AETK Bulletin, began in September 1987. At that point the system of using volume and issue numbers was dropped in favor of the simpler practice of numbering each issue consecutively.

From September 1987 until April 1988, AETK Bulletin (Numbers 1-7) appeared more or less monthly as a short news sheet, then became a bimonthly newsletter in its present format beginning with Number 8, issued in July 1988.

In 1990 the publication was renamed AETK Newsletter and returned to a Volume / Issue Number recording system. There were also intermittent “special issues” (also called “Extra” and “Special Bulletin”) to fill in gaps or provide updates between regular issues.

The page size and print technology varied as well. Remember, this was low-budget printing 30-40 years ago! Some earlier pages used old 9-pin dot-matrix printers, and are somewhat more difficult to read in the PDF (and the original). Some issues were printed on a brownish paper, some have erratic inking in final production, and some pages have faded over time.

Links to PDF scans of these publications are available at the bottom of this page.

Please note: OCR (optical character reading) technology is imperfect, particularly with older pages. If you choose to copy-paste text from these scanned documents, double-check your data for accuracy. Some pages (e.g., advertising) are not included in these scanned versions, to reduce file size.

Find current and past KOTESOL publications at

Find information on conferences from the “pre-KOTESOL” era at