Archive copy.

9:00 Registration (1st floor Lobby)

Poster Presentations
KOTESOL’s International Conference 2020: The Early Stages
Michael Free (Kangwon National University)
KOTESOL’s “Teacher of the Year” Award
Michael Free (Kangwon National University)
The relationship between reading motivation and comprehension for EFL students
Ju-yeon Kim (International Graduate School of English)
Developing an integrated ESP Material for Cabin Crew
Ji-young Suh (International Graduate School of English)
Exploring the Effects of Drama Techniques on English Learners’ Motivation
Sunhee Ko (International Graduate School of English)
Motivating students through self-determination theory and the 5Ts framework
Shufang Wang (PaiChai Univeristy)

10:00 Concurrent Sessions

Track Title / Speaker Room
Onnuri How to Do Action Research: A Guide for ELT Classroom Teachers
Grace H. Wang (University of Birmingham, UK)
Onnuri Hall
Highlighted Teaching EFL through Korean Culture
Ali Safavi
Motivation Using Personal Relationships to Motivate English Learning 
David Devora (Hoseo University)
Skills EFL Academic Writing Instruction Workshop
Richard Schlight (SolBridge International School of Business)
Technology Research 10:00 Ups and downs – Tracking student motivation though motivational panels
Angela Jeannette (Chosun University)

10:25 Mobile tech and Gamification: Motiva(c)tion in Korean EFL
Eric Duncan Reynolds (Woosong University)
Benjamin Taylor (Woosong University)

SIGs Meet the SIGs Breakfast
Mike Peacock (Woosong Culinary College)
Research-based Presentations 10:00 Exploring Learning Autonomy and Motivation in South Korean Students
Stephen Patrick Hoag (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju)
10:25 A Dual Literacy Approach for Korean English Learners’ Curriculum 
Samantha Rose Levinson

11:00 Concurrent Sessions

Track Title / Speaker Room
Onnuri Motivating Young Learners Through Effective Classroom Management (Classroom Management SIG)
James Kimball
Onnuri Hall
Highlighted The Climate Change Vocab. List: The fun-time A-to-Z for global warming EFL
Julian Warmington (Climate Education Network)
Motivation Using Board Games for Conversation Practice
Bryan Hale (Yeongam High School)
Skills Practicing fluency alone? ABSOLUTELY! How about accuracy? MAYBE!
Richard Steven Eigenberg (Busan University of Foreign Studies)
Technology iPad pro Implementation for L2 instruction
Bethany Martens (The Ohio State University)
Panel Using Critical Language Pedagogy in the EFL Classroom
Luis Caballero (UNIST)
Research-based Presentations 11:00 Developing Learning Agility 
Mary Abura (Chonbuk National University)
11:25 Elementary Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy to Teach ELLs
Yong-Jik Lee (Far East University)

12:00 Lunch

  • International Conference Lunch (Grace H. Wang) – Room 204

1:00 Plenary Session

2:00 Concurrent Sessions

Track Title / Speaker Room
Onnuri Actively Incorporating Race Visibility within the Korean Classroom
Nathalie Calderon (Sookmyung Girls Middle School)
Onnuri Hall
Highlighted Motivation: Skip the Theory and Go Straight to Practice
James Kimball(Semyung University)
Motivation Improv Comedy as a Tool for English Language Learning
Kylie Genter(MOE NIIED English Education Center)
Skills Giving Feedback to Students’ Writing
Emmy Min (University of Southern California)
Technology Brave New World: English Class with Technology
Ehean Kim
Young Learners EFL in Korea’s Remote Elementary Schools: Challenges and Opportunities
Vanessa Virgiel
Research-based Presentations 2:00 The Evil of Banality: Intersubjectivity and the Text
Grant Kimberlin (Pukyong National University)
2:25 Project-Based learning: A method to spice up lessons
Rhoda Makhanya (Woosong University)

3:00 Concurrent Sessions

Track Title / Speaker Room
Onnuri Product & Process in Course Evaluation
Jack C. Richards
Onnuri Hall
Highlighted To See Each Piece of the Mosaic
Diane Santos
Motivation Motivating Students to Read: Interactive Activities to Increase Engagement
Jared McKee (Silla University)
Skills Classroom Management Strategies for the English Foreign Language Context
Nicole Domay (Ulsan Institute of Foreign Language Education)
Technology Innovation in the use of film in ELT
Michael Rabbidge (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
Materials Strategies for student engagement
Randlee Reddy (Woosong University)
Research-based Presentations 3:00 Tag-Talk: “Who’s it?” “I’m it.”
Hee-eun (Renee) Kim (IGSE)
3:25 English Teachers’ Perceptions on Assessing Pronunciation of Thai Students
Valentin Tassev

4:00 Concurrent Sessions

Track Title / Speaker Room
Onnuri Hagwon Exposé:  Where Student Motivation Equals Paychecks
Katrina Sten (PEAK English Academy)
Jeffrey Baldwin (Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology)
Onnuri Hall
Highlighted Harry Potter and the Muggle Motivation
Pamila J. Florea (Sungshin Women’s University)
Motivation Teaching Writing with Anything But!
Anjee DiSanto (Woosong University)
Skills   202
Technology Creating Administrative Systems with QR Codes and Google Drive Tools
Jessica Magnusson (Gwangju National University of Education)
Reflective Practice Why Study Philosophy? – Reflective Teaching Practice
Paul Johnson (Changshin University)
Research-based Presentations 4:00 Construal in Language Learning
Joseph Tomei (Daejeon University / Kumamoto Gakuen University)
4:25 A root analytic approach to academic word lists
David Cedric Bennette (Woosong University)

4:45 Closing Ceremony

  • Onnuri Hall

5:00 Depart

Join us for dinner out after the Conference! The plan is for Jeonju Bibimbap! RSVP for the dinner before 2:00pm on Saturday, May 25!