Conference Travel Grants 

Each year, KOTESOL’s International Outreach Committee (IOC) offers travel grants to members representing KOTESOL at select conferences hosted by our international partners. The grant covers a portion (70%) of the representative’s (reasonable) travel costs, accommodations (which are provided by the host organization), and registration fees.

Travel grants are available for the international conferences hosted by the following organizations:

  • ETA-ROC (Taiwan)
  • FEELTA (Russia)*
  • JALT (Japan)
  • PALT (Philippines)*
  • TESOL International
  • ThaiTESOL (Thailand TESOL)

* Not offered annually

Am I qualified to apply for a travel grant?

Ideal candidates:

  • are familiar with how KOTESOL functions
  • can answer questions about KOTESOL’s conference management
  • can act as a diplomat and emissary for the organization


In our selection criteria, some things that work in your favor: 

  • whether you have submitted a proposal, and whether it has been accepted 
  • whether you are currently on the National Council or otherwise active in chapter/SIG/conference leadership, how long you have served, and what your position is 
  • your length of KOTESOL membership
  • whether you have close ties with the partner conference organizers


Things that may work against you: 

  • if you are not a member of KOTESOL (this automatically disqualifies you) 
  • if you have recently represented KOTESOL at an event 
  • if you are unable to complete all the duties expected of you at the conference
  • if you cannot attend for the duration of the conference

If I’m selected, what are my responsibilities?


Prior to the conference, you need to 

  • Read the report of the previous year’s representative 
  • Based on that background information, let the IOC Chair know about any materials, needs, etc. that the Chair will need to assist you with. 
  • While the IOC Chair will provide an initial contact with and introduction to the international liaison contact from the respective country, it is your responsibility to work directly with them regarding the specifics of timetables, conference responsibilities, hotel, travel, and other information as necessary. 
  • Work with the IOC Chair to find the best airfare, hotel, etc., to help reduce costs for both yourself and KOTESOL.
  • Take delivery of some sample KOTESOL publications and other KOTESOL promotional materials. 


At the conference, you need to 

  • Set out the KOTESOL promotional materials, publications, etc. 
  • Be there from the very start to the very end (unless otherwise agreed with the IOC Chair)
  • Meet and greet representatives from the other affiliates
  • Take time to check out presenters (be sure to bring back recommendations of good ones we might want to invite to our own conferences)
  • You may be offered a presentation slot, which you may or may not accept. 
  • Represent us at any official Affiliate or PAC meeting. 
  • Bring back any good ideas to the International Conference Committee (administrative, hospitality, program book, etc.) 
  • Do all the other things that appear suddenly and are asked of you that you can possibly handle. 
  • Give small gifts (provided by the IOC Chair/Membership) to the conference chair and the partner organization’s president. (Return any unused gifts to the IOC.) We recommend purchasing small gifts (5-10 total, <1,000 won each; Daiso or local stationery stores are a great resource for this!) to give to the international liaison who helped you and possibly the other international partner representatives. You may keep any small gifts the other representatives might give you. 


After the conference, you need to 

  • Send a complete list of claimed travel expenses, with accompanying receipts/documentation and bank account information to the IOC Chair for approval. 
  • Serve as a member of the International Outreach Committee for the next year until you have fully briefed the next year’s rep to this particular conference on their responsibilities, and they have returned. 
  • Complete a technical report for the National Council to support future representatives and provide new ideas for KOTESOL’s International Conference (and other conferences), as well as help us build KOTESOL’s capacity, in general. You will not receive any reimbursement for expenses until this report is completed.


Additional information, including the grant application form, is available on the IOC web page.