Excerpted from the Korea TESOL Bylaws

Article III. Duties of Elected Officers.

Section 1. The President shall preside at the Annual Business Meeting, shall be the convener of the Council, and shall be responsible for promoting relationships with other organizations. The President shall also be an ex-officio member of all committees formed within KOTESOL. The First and Second Vice-Presidents shall cooperate to reflect the intercultural dimension of KOTESOL.

Section 2. The First Vice-President shall assist the President in his or her duties and work with the Chapters through their Council representatives to assist them in their business. The First Vice-President shall also undertake such other responsibilities as the President may delegate.

Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall organize the Annual Leadership Retreat, oversee and assist the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), oversee the Korea Teacher Training (KTT) program and its finances, and serve as the KTT liaison to Council. The Second Vice-President shall also undertake such other responsibilities as the President may delegate.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all KOTESOL meetings and decisions, including those done electronically, and ensure that the minutes are published on the KOTESOL website. The Secretary shall also archive, safeguard, and make available, as needed, all the official records of KOTESOL, including the Policies and Procedures Manual, which should be kept up-to-date and disseminated to all members of Council at the start of each year. At the completion of the term of office, the Secretary shall pass on all documents to the incoming Secretary.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall act as a fiduciary for the financial affairs of KOTESOL, keep appropriate bank accounts in the name of KOTESOL, maintain accurate records of the finances of the organization, maintain a list of KOTESOL members, prepare the annual operating budget, and manage all funds belonging to KOTESOL in an open and accountable manner.

Section 6. The Nominations and Elections Chair shall act as the Chief Returning Officer of KOTESOL and chair the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Section 7. The International Conference Chair shall organize all aspects of the International Conference and report to Council about the same, including the appointment of a conference committee, recommending a venue for approval by Council, creating an event budget for approval by Council, making regular reports to Council and providing a final report within thirty (30) days of the completion of the International Conference briefing Council on the success of the event, advising of any problems encountered and making recommendations for the following year.

Section 8. The International Conference Co-chair shall assist the International Conference Chair in all of his or her duties in order to gain insight and experience to successfully organize the following International Conference.

Section 9. The Past President shall cooperate with the incoming President to facilitate a smooth leadership transition, and provide advice and continuity to the organization on Council and committee affairs.