The 2020 GETA Conference

2020 GETA Annual Conference

2nd Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce that the 2020 International Conference of the Global English Teachers Association (GETA) has been finally rescheduled for December 16th through 19th. This four-day conference will be held in an online format (see the next para for details). This year’s main theme is “Cognitive Individual Differences and L2 Learning,” reflecting an ever-increasing number of empirical studies and a great amount of scholarly attention to L2 learners’ cognitive capacities and their potential relation to L2 learning. We invite you to join the conference as presenters.

Here is how it works. Each presenter (including plenary/featured speakers) video-records their own presentation and email their recording to the conference committee. Then, the committee will upload them on YouTube with the restricted view option on so that ONLY registered participants will access them during the conference (December 16~19). Access to video-recorded presentations will be granted via hyperlinks on our conference homepage (under construction now). Under each recorded presentation, we will set up a comment/discussion board where people can leave their comments and ask questions about issues discussed in the presentation. The discussion board will remain open to anyone (of course, registered) who wants to leave comments and questions through Dec. 19th. Then on December 20th, as a final step, all presenters including plenary/featured speakers will make final comments with respect to their own presentations (and answer a couple of interesting questions from viewers, if any).  

We thought about using zoom at least for invited talks, but it does not seem stable enough to carry out and maintain a moment–to-moment operation in a smooth uninterrupted way during presentations, especially when a number of people under different internet conditions rush to zoom into presentations almost at the same time.

Originally, this year’s conference was slated for October 17th, but has been pushed back to the dates mentioned above to allow for some time needed to develop a stable conference-only web page for this online conference and to provide some time for presenters to record their own presentations.

Although the conference is mainly designed to provide opportunities to present research and facilitate discussion on the relationship between cognitive individual differences and English language teaching/learning, we also accept EFL/SL research that deals with any subareas of ELT. See below for submission information.

Below is a list of 6 scholars that we have invited and will offer 50-min video-recorded presentations at the conference.

1. Shaofeng Li (Florida State University)
ㅡ Language Aptitude in L2 Learning

2. Zhisheng Edward Wen (Macao Polytechnic Institute
ㅡ Working Memory and L2 Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice

3. YouJin Kim (Georgia State University)
ㅡ Task-Based Language Teaching and Individual Differences

4. Eunice Eunhee Jang (University of Toronto)
ㅡ Advancing Holistic Assessment of Young Learners’ Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Psychological Orientations through Artificial Intelligence

5. Alexis Lopez (Educational Testing Service)
ㅡ Exploring the Use of Scenario-Based Assessment with Young English Learners

6. Jookyoung Jung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
ㅡ The Impact of Textual and Task Manipulation on L2 Learning from Reading

Send the following information to the Conference Organizing Committee via email ( by October 15th.
ㅡ Name(s), Affiliation(s), Title, Abstract (300 words max.)

Important dates to note
1. Recording due: November 15th
2. Conference: December 16th-19th
3. Presenter’s final comments: December 20th
4. Free registration on our conference web page (later when it’s ready to go)

Jaemyung Goo, Ph.D.
President, Global English Teachers Association

2020 GETA Annual Conference

2nd Call for Papers

글로벌영어교육학회가 12월 16일 수요일 부터 19일까지 나흘간 “Cognitive Individual Differences and L2 Learning” 이라는 대주제로 국제학술대회를 개죄하고자 합니다.

COVID-19의 영향으로 인해 올해 저희 글로벌영어교육학회의 학술대회는 온라인으로 진행하려고 합니다. zoom 사용을 포함한 다양한 방식의 진행을 논의했으며 좀 더 안정적인 학술대회를 위해 다음과 같이 최종 진행 방식을 결정을 하였습니다.

모든 발표를 녹화 동영상 발표로 진행하려고 합니다. 각각의 발표자는 20분 분량의 발표를 녹화해 주시고 저희 학술대회 측에 보내주시면 저희가 학술대회 homepage의 hyperlink 통해서 YouTube에 올리려고 합니다. Restricted view option 을 통해서 등록한 분들에 한해서만 발표 영상을 시청할 수 있도록 진행을 하려고 합니다. 각각의 발표 동영상을 학술대회 기간에 게시하고 발표 영상 아래에 comment/discussion board 를 만들어서 영상을 시청한 참가자들이 자유스럽게 comments/questions 을 게시할 수 있도록 할 것입니다. 학술대회 기간이 지나면 발표자가 12월 20일경에 전체적으로 final comments 와 함께 관련된 질문들이 있으면 답변을 하고 최종 마무리하는 방식으로 진행을 하려고 합니다. 학술대회 web page 도 따로 구축을 해야하고 발표자들의 녹화 시간도 제공해야해서 학술대회를 12월 중순으로 연기하게 되었습니다.

아래는 이번 학술대회를 위해 50분 분량의 동영상 발표를 해 주실 초대 학자 여섯 분과 발표 주제들 입니다.

1. Shaofeng Li (Florida State University)
ㅡ Language Aptitude in L2 Learning

2. Zhisheng Edward Wen (Macao Polytechnic Institute
ㅡ Working Memory and L2 Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice

3. YouJin Kim (Georgia State University)
ㅡ Task-Based Language Teaching and Individual Differences

4. Eunice Eunhee Jang (University of Toronto)
ㅡ Advancing Holistic Assessment of Young Learners’ Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Psychological Orientations through Artificial Intelligence

5. Alexis Lopez (Educational Testing Service)
ㅡ Exploring the Use of Scenario-Based Assessment with Young English Learners

6. Jookyoung Jung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
ㅡ The Impact of Textual and Task Manipulation on L2 Learning from Reading

본 학술대회는 학회의 성격에 맞게 영어교육과 관련한 다양한 세부 영역에 대한 논문 발표도 함께 진행할 예정으로 인지능력과 제2언어발달 관련한 주제가 아니더라도 발표가 가능합니다. 많은 관심과 발표 신청 바랍니다.

제출내용: 발표자 성함, 소속, 발표 제목 및 초록
제출방법: 위의 내용을 이메일(로 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
제출기간: 10월 15일 목요일

추가 사항:
1. 동영상 제출 마감: 11월 15일
2. 학술대회: 12월 16일 ~ 12월 19일
3. 발표자 최종 comments: 12월 20일
4. 발표 언어: 한국어 또는 영어
5. 학술대회 홈페이지를 통해 무료 등록 (발표자 포함하여 관심있는 모든 분들 무료 등록 가능)

글로벌영어교육학회 회장 구재명 배상