March 2023: Garth Elzerman

March 2023
This month’s voice:
Garth Elzerman, A Short Piece, A Long Journey

Lindsay Herron
Editor, KOTESOL Voices

This month, our readers have an opportunity to get to know Garth Elzerman, the chair of the 30th Korea TESOL International Conference & PAC2023! In the recording embedded at the end of this page (and here on YouTube), Garth reflects on the circuitous journey that brought him to Korea–and to KOTESOL. His words will resonate with many of us, I suspect! Whether it’s the promise of pizza, the muse in our meetings, or the camaraderie of our committees, KOTESOL is a community of practice with something for everyone, and we’re delighted your respective paths brought you our way. 

Happy reading!

A Short Piece, A Long Journey
Garth Elzerman

This piece is embedded as a YouTube video below (or click here to view it in YouTube)

Garth Elzerman and his father at Rhodes University, South Africa. Graduation 2012


Garth Elzerman and some of his students. Jeonju, South Korea. 2022


Garth Elzerman as MC for the Kyungdong University, Global Campus Matriculation Ceremony, South Korea. 2022


About the Author

Garth Elzerman is an aspiring philosopher, keen bibliophile, and Egyptology enthusiast. He is currently undertaking his PhD in philosophy through the University of South Africa, with a focus on the multiple moral foundations theory. This year he is serving as the chair of the 30th Korea TESOL International Conference and is eager to engage and collaborate with the conference presenters and attendees.