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Featured Session – International Conference 2015

English Education in Korea, Now and Onward

As it is widely recognized that teaching English in a cross-cultural context raises a number of challenges, the difficulties faced by both native and non-native teachers of English in Korea’s EFL setting run the gamut, ranging from language itself to culture gaps in addition to what seem to be socio-cultural factors unique to Korea, such as “parents.” Since the demand on Koreans for higher communicative skills in English is being heightened, it is imperative to look into those challenges and make constructive efforts toward finding solutions. By presenting video clips of interviews of ELT professionals and English learning students in Korea, and sharing the experiences of the audience through discussion, it is hoped that all will gain an accurate understanding and insightful perspectives on who we are dealing with and how we can efficiently help them.


Invited Second Session

The Future of English Education in Korea (at the elementary and secondary levels)

For the past few decades, the school curriculum of Korea’s English education has been shifting from a grammar-translation and test-oriented approach towards improving actual communicative skills. As a result, ELT professionals have found themselves in a confusing state where they are required to nurture students’ productive English skills; to equip themselves with communicative competence, and to become a mentor to English learners all at the same time. As these tasks seem quite daunting, this presentation will reconsider and discuss what we’ve done so far and device ways to meet the demands effectively.


Invited Session

Tea Time with Lee Boyoung

This informal session with Dr. Lee will be in a question-and-answer format. Dr. Lee will be answering audience questions mainly about the various aspects of English education in Korea. This session will be taking place in a small presentation room, so seating will be limited. It is expected that most questions will be asked and answered in Korean, but English is also an option. See her video invitation to Tea Time, in English http://youtu.be/PGps8flXxws (and below) or in Korean (within the page http://koreatesol.org/videos/BoyoungLee-2


Speaker’s Bio-Sketch

Boyoung Lee is Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages at Ewha Womans University and Chair of its TESOL Department. She is the face of English learner empowerment in Korea. Dr. Lee received her BA in English Education from Ewha, an MA in Korean-English Interpreting from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and her PhD in English Education from Ewha. In addition to being a university professor, Dr. Lee has gained national fame as a language school director, a language research center director, a celebrity instructor on English on educational radio channels, and the author of numerous English language learning books and materials.


Speaker Online Materials

Boyoung Lee’s blog (in Korean)

이보영교수의 한국어 블로그을 위의 링크에서 볼 수 있습니다.



Video Interviews by Boyoung Lee for KOTESOL International Conference 2015

Boyoung has graciously accepted our request to respond to some typical questions aboout English language learning classrooms in Korea through a few video-interviews.

On Motivation  http://koreatesol.org/videos/BoyoungLee-1

Motivation and Achievement

Keeping Your Students Motivated

Project-Based Learning in Korea

The Key to Motivating Passive Students

Korean-language videos at http://koreatesol.org/videos/BoyoungLee-2

이보영교수의 한국어 영상을 위의 링크에서 볼 수 있습니다.



See the full list of Major Speakers at the KOTESOL International Conference and English Expo at http://koreatesol.org/ic2015/MajorSpeakers


An invitation to Tea Time with Boyoung Lee (English version) just below, or at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGps8flXxws