
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Stewart Gray, Baekseok Culture University & Dankook University

A Paperless Classroom: Making Use of Modern Mobile Technology

Rapidly increasing smartphone ownership by students of all ages has had the effect of providing teachers with an enormous range of technological options to streamline classroom practice, and decrease their dependence on worksheets and textbooks. This workshop will give participants first-hand experience of a number of simple technological techniques that can be employed in classes of smartphone-equipped students of any age, including: a method for gathering real-time feedback from large numbers of students; an app for quizzing and assessment; a method of efficiently distributing digital files of any sort to students in class time; a method of facilitating communicative activities using personal messaging apps. The presenter will also outline their own experiences with these technologies, and insights into their effective use in class.


Stewart Gray is an English teacher at Baekseok Culture University, and a graduate of the Dankook University TESOL program. He has been living and teaching in Korea five years. His primary research interests are language, identity, motivation, critical thinking and reflective practice. He is the current organizer for the Seoul KOTESOL reflective practice SIG.


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