
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Jessica Barraza, Educational Consultant and Owner of SYNTICATE Educational Services


Linking the language in meaningful ways can help facilitate the learning of new vocabulary words while making grammar connections too. By observing these methods used by young children learning their native languages, researchers explored the notion that second language learners, even as adults, could likewise be more successful by making meaningful relationships between words and objects rather than attempting to memorize longs lists of words alone.
Ways of “linking” the language are:
Linking new vocabulary to images.
Linking new vocabulary to complete sentences.
Linking new vocabulary to memorable & interesting experiences.
Linking new vocabulary to something personal.
Linking grammar patterns.
Participants will learn the theory and methods of each “link it” technique by completing hands-on activities related to each. They will also reflect and discuss the effectiveness of each.


Jessica Barraza earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and later added a teaching certification in Spanish, a language in which she is fluent. During six years of teaching high school, she impressed administrators by enthusiastically reforming a dwindling Spanish program by creatively designing engaging activities and effective, research-based language acquisition strategies. In 2012, Jessica opened a booming restaurant business and earned a spot in the Top 20 Women Business Owners in her city. While still overseeing the training of new employees and guiding management, Jessica began teaching a much-needed Spanish course she designed specifically for law enforcement. Jessica is joining her language teaching passion and expertise and her entrepreneurial wisdom with her colleague’s extensive EFL experiences to create a global training program for foreigners who teach abroad.

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