Elizabeth May & Kevin Roskop & Daniel Craig & Daniel Bailey & Stafford Lumsden


KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Elizabeth May, Kongju National University
Kevin Roskop, Kongju National University
Daniel Craig, Sangmyung University
Daniel Bailey, Konkuk University
Stafford Lumsden, Sookmyung University

LMS Friendly Face-Off: Which Learning Management System Is for You?

(Supported by KOTESOL’s MCALL SIG)
Ever wanted to try out a Learning Management System (LMS), but feel overwhelmed by the choice and don’t know which one will suit you best? Come along and watch as the Knights of the LMS battle it out for your favor!

A great opportunity to learn more about individual LMS (and what LMS actually are) as each representative introduces their preferred system. Followed by the chance to interrogate the knights to find out how some of the main LMS work and which LMS is the perfect one for you!

The panel will include representatives for Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard and Google Classroom.


Elizabeth May (Moderator) has been in Korea for the last 5 years teaching English in a wide variety of settings. She is now at Kongju National University as a Visiting Professor / Language Instructor for the Cheonan Campus. She has an Med (Applied Linguistics) and is currently completing her MA (Education). She has a strong interest in M-CALL and technology in education and has presented at various national and international conferences on this subject. Elizabeth is looking forward to moderating a lively discussion between all of the knights of the LMS!

Kevin Roskop has been teaching ESL in Korea since 2008. He has taught students at every age and level in two different kindergarten hagwons, one high school, and a university. He is currently an English Instructor at Kongju National University Cheonan Campus. He uses Canvas, a Learning Management System, to assign and grade work as well as assess and communicate with the 150 students he teaches every semester. He can’t image trying to do it with spreadsheets and email alone. He has a Master of Education with TEFL emphasis, a BA in Comparative Religion, and a minor in German. He loves teaching and feels fortunate for the opportunity Korea provided to change his career and live internationally.

Daniel Craig is a assistant professor in the English Education Department at Sangmyung University, Seoul, South Korea. He teaches courses in writing, listening, teaching listening, teaching English through English, and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. His research interests are at the intersection of teacher practice, social practice, and technology.

Daniel Bailey is presently teaching in the Department of English in the College of Multimedia Communications at Konkuk University. He is a doctoral student in Korea University’s Education Technology department. His research interest are computer aided language learning, second language writing anxiety, and online course participation. His recent research investigated the effect of online delivered corrective feedback on writing accuracy.

Stafford Lumsden is the Coordinator of the Online TESOL program at Sookmyung Women’s University where he also teaches Curriculum Design & Lesson Planning in the YL-TESOL program. In the past he has served as the president of the Seoul chapter of KOTESOL (2012-2014), Chair of the KOTESOL National Conference (2015) and in various roles for the KOTESOL International Conference since 2008.

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