
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Kevin Ottoson, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies
Takehiro Sato, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies

Pre-study-Abroad Peer Preparation

Despite the increase of pre study abroad workshops, little is known about how peers use technology to prepare future sojourners. Schnickel (2011) highlighted the benefits of classroom, pre-departure peer coaching in terms of study abroad preparation. Several studies (Kinginger, 2008; Perrefort, 2008; Jackson 2013) have highlighted sojourners interact with technology and social networking sites while abroad. This presentation will explore the experience of current study abroad students preparing future study abroad students through transformational technology. Their experience will be monitored in regards to peer development and assessment of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that Byram (1997) describes as necessary for the intercultural speaker. Finally, audience members will be invited to share helpful-pre-departure activities that can be used to mediate intercultural development and cross-cultural adaptability.


Kevin Ottoson is a full-time lecturer at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies (Japan) in the Center for Language Education Development. He is an Ed.D student in at the University of New England. His research interests include intercultural communicative competence assessment, sociocultural theory, study abroad, and transformational leadership.

Takehiro Sato is an Associate Professor of the Department of International Contemporary Studies at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. His main interests lie in interactive writing activity such as dialogue journal writing, the application of sociocultural theory of EFL writing, and Vygotsky’s developmental psychology.

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