
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Eunhye Ko, Ewha Womans University High School
Soo Hyoung Joo, Dogok Middle School

Scenario-Based Language Assessment as an Alternative Assessment for Project-Based Learning Classes

To develop 21st century learner skills, Korean middle schools adapted a new system called Free Semester System; many English classes conducted in this system are conducted in project-based learning (PBL) approach. Although the system has been executed, an assessment with high reliability and validity has not been developed. Thus, this study proposes a scenario-based language assessment (SBLA) as an alternative for PBL classes. SBLA tests integrated skills, and requires the learners to accomplish a sequence of tasks in a thematically-coherent, socially-familiar, purpose-driven scenario reflecting real life. In this study, a SBLA assessment for middle school will be developed, and experiments on a PBL classes will be conducted. The results will show validity and reliability of the test; also, lower students’ exam anxiety, and increased motivation.


Eunhye Ko has been teaching English at Ewha Womans University High School for the past 5 years. She holds a master’s degree in Educational Technology, and her main research focuses are on technology integration in classes, design thinking, and project-based learning.

Soo Hyoung Joo has been teaching English for 6 years. She holds a master’s degree in English Education, and her main research focuses are on technology integration in English classes, and language assessment.

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