
KOTESOL International Conference 2016

(Concurrent Session) 

Christopher Miller, Daeil Foreign Language High School

Towards a More Brain-Friendly Lesson

With the increasing popularity of terms such as brain-friendly and brain-based education, educators need principles to draw on for enriching materials and lessons which align with our current understanding of the mind and brain. This presentation will provide seven principles articulated by Helgesen and Kelly (2015). Following this, the presenter will illustrate how he incorporated these precepts into his professional practice. Afterwards, workshop participants will be invited to consider ways in which to embed their lessons and materials with brain-friendly principles. Finally, principally based applications, insights, and lesson modifications will be discussed collectively.


Christopher Miller has been involved in ELT since 2007. He currently serves as research committee chair for KOTESOL and treasurer for the Seoul KOTESOL chapter. He is a frequent presenter at KOTESOL events and beyond.

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