Featured Speaker

Featured Session
International Conference 2017

Why Are We Here?  Critical Thinking, Teaching, and the Digital Era

This featured talk will focus on the current plethora of online, digital data, some of which is true and some of which is fabricated, and will explore the vital importance of developing critical thinking skills for teachers and students.  In particular, those learning English as an additional language need these skills for both personal and professional reasons in order to be well informed about events occurring in the world. Together we will consider the impediments to critical thinking and the specific sub-skills and discipline that critical thinking requires. The speaker will explore a number of case studies related to the subject of digital data and critical thinking, asking the audience to consider their own experiences with the phenomena of fabricated data as well as their experiences in supporting ELLs in their learning and discernment processes.


Invited Second Session (Workshop)

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Teachers and Students

This hands-on workshop will provide participants with a range of activities designed to develop and improve critical thinking in students, specifically, English language learners and those who teach them.  The activities will be conducted together with participants actively involved.  Each activity will then be debriefed looking for adaptations and additional activities that a teacher or teacher-trainer could use in their classroom practice.


Biographical Sketch

Dr. Marti Anderson has been affiliated with the MAT Program at the School for International Training for nearly 30 years.  At SIT, she teaches courses in pedagogy, intercultural communication, group dynamics, professional development, and reflective practice.  Marti also consults domestically and internationally on best practices for teacher training, education, development, cross-cultural awareness, training of trainers, and workplace readiness, among other topics.  Marti’s professional interests include education for transformation, developing critical thinking skills in teachers and students, education for refugees and other displaced people, and progressive movements in education.  She has consulted in dozens of countries on six continents and a favorite part of every consulting trip is spending time in classrooms around the world.  Marti lives in Vermont with her husband, has three children and one grandchild.


Resources on the Web: Marti Anderson

Introductory Video: Meet Dr. Anderson (at bottom of this page)

SIT Faculty Page: Marti Anderson


Marti Anderson’s participation in the Korea TESOLㅡPAC 2017 International Conference is sponsored by the SIT Graduate Institute.


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