Featured Speaker

Featured Session
International Conference 2017

A Future Paradigm of English Education in Korea

Korea’s English education is facing a paradigm shift. Since the mid-1990s, when a communication-oriented approach was employed in the national English curriculum, the communicative approach has functioned as the basis of public school English education. During this time, numerous policies have been implemented to promote improved communication ability for teachers and learners. However, these policies have been evaluated as insufficient for both teachers and learners to attain the goals of the communication-oriented curriculum. Furthermore, nowadays, various issues such as World Englishes, the spread of the Internet, and the development of language education technology have been raised, affecting the status of English as a world language, the pedagogical atmosphere, and the roles of teachers and learners in English education. Within this context, I am attempting to look into the future of Korea’s English education. The central point of my investigation is that English is a useful language and a hands-on tool for Koreans to live as international citizens. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the following questions: what should the objectives of English education be? what and how should English be taught and learned? what kinds of policies are needed, and what should be considered to promote the new paradigm of English education?


Biographical Sketch

Chan Kyoo Min is a professor of the Department of English Education at Korea National University of Education, where he has been teaching various courses in TESOL. He earned his master’s degrees in TEFL and in linguistics and his PhD in English applied linguistics at Ball State University, USA. Dr. Min’s research interests include English education policy, English teacher education, language curriculum development, and teaching English writing. He is a co-author of English textbooks for elementary and secondary school students, and teacher resource books. He has also published a number of articles on English education policy, English teacher training, teaching strategies for English writing, and application strategies for a level-differentiated curriculum in the Korean EFL environment.


Resources on the Web: Chan Kyoo Min

News Article: 한국교원대 민찬규 학생처장 일문일답

Research Paper
English Teacher Education in Korea: Retrospect and Prospect (in Korean / 한국어)

University Faculty Page (in Korean / 한국어)


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