
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Workshop (45 minutes)

Michael Lee, EPIK: Daegu Dongbu Middle School

Fun & Practical English For Special Needs Students

Special needs students require English that allow them to get around a world that either does not provide enough information, or if provided, they will need to know how to communicate and maximize their use of the ecology that provides for them. Symbols and pictures are used to communicate an action or request for these potential contributors to society. The skill to reciprocate communication is critical because English is increasingly incorporated into their L1 and becoming part of their mass media and culture.

In this workshop, teachers will work in small groups and use cards with expressions and phrases along side detailed but simple pictures to create verbal or written stories to each other, verbally give or show cards with context clues about a creature so it will be drawn by listeners, and play a kinesthetic board game that provides the directive “You must…” and act out the action requested on the selected card.

Storytelling using illustrated cards with key expressions and phrases allowed students to build their L2 vocabulary, created a dialogue by responding to questions from other students, and accessed prior knowledge of their L2 and build context in a sheltered environment for L2 learners who struggled with starting their stories. Drawing an imaginary creature from context clues allowed students to use their imagination and reduced the affective filter for students feeling pressure in verbalizing their L2 language. Kinesthetic learning using a board game communicated a request with motion and provided students a necessary alternative to seated work.


Michael Lee is an EPIK Conversational English Teacher at Daegu Dongbu M.S. Since 2008, he taught science in Kansas. He obtained his M.S. in 2016 from PSU in Pittsburg, KS. In 2006 & 2008, he earned his B.S. degrees at Kansas State University in Biology/Sociology & Secondary Education, respectively. E-mail: mleebluerams@gmail.com

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference