
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Workshop (45 minutes)

Scott Henderson, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Using Playing Cards in the EFL Classroom

Almost everyone has a deck or two of playing cards just lying around the house, but now it is time to dust them off and put them to better use in your classroom. In this workshop, attendees will first learn practical tasks and activities that will get students out of their seats and interacting with their classmates. This learning session will also illustrate how a simple deck of fifty-two cards can be used to facilitate the learning of vocabulary and expressions, aid in the improvement of fluency, assist students in preparing for speaking tests, and help teachers manage their students’ partner and group tasks. Of course, attendees will also learn a game or two. After the presenter offers some of his own ideas to the audience, the session will conclude with an idea and activity swap where attendees can share their own methods for using playing cards in their own teaching and learning environments. At the end of the session, everyone will walk away with new methods to use something as ordinary as playing cards in new and challenging ways. ***Although the activities presented in the workshop are aimed at middle school students to adults, they can be adapted for younger learners.


Scott Henderson obtained his MATESOL from Anaheim University and has taught in Korea for ten years. He is currently helping eager university freshmen master the skills to conquer the world. Scott is interested in using visual media and the arts in his classroom.

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference