
KOTESOL National Conference 2018

Presentation (45 minutes)

Sunette Labuschagne, EPIK: Gangwon Province

Want more student participation? Give them time to think!

Wait-time. We’ve heard about it, read about it and know we should apply it during our classes. But do we? Do we give our students enough time to think about the question asked before actually giving them the opportunity to answer? During this presentation we will look at what wait-time is, find out how much time the average teacher gives their students before requiring them to answer, consider how much time should be given, and reflect on why wait-time is so important. The presenter will use examples from her own classroom to demonstrate the influence of wait-time on student participation during her lessons. She will also share some of the frustrations she encounters as a learner of Korean, when well-meaning friends and colleagues often do not allow her enough time to formulate sentences or self-correct mistakes. The session will include a short period of small group work, where attendees can share their experiences and think about how they can improve wait-time in their own teaching contexts. Participants will take away a renewed awareness of the importance of wait-time and hopefully a few ideas on how to apply it in their own classrooms.


Sunette Labuschange has been teaching English in Korea for 9 years. She holds a DipTESOL, a BA degree in Psychological Counselling and an HDE from South Africa in Pre- and Junior Primary Education. EFL fields that interest her are Phonology, English as a Lingua Franca, Teacher Training and Neuro ELT. sunettelabuschagne@yahoo.com

See the list of Presentations at the KOTESOL 2018 National Conference