Invited Speaker

International Conference 2019
Featured Session

The Organic Development of Successful Learning Experiences

This action research is about Daejeon-based young Korean EFL learners who voluntarily launched their own outreach program to share their English learning experience, which is mainly output-based and communication-oriented, with their peers and those financially underprivileged. They say their positive learning experience led them to become proactive. This has now become a tradition for over five years in a private academy. What do these young learners want to share with others? What inspired them to want to share their experiences and learning methods with their peers? What were the surprises? How do the teachers react and support these proactive students? Finally, what insights from this phenomenon can be applied to other English education settings to alleviate stress and frustration, and to promote successful learning? This presentation will address each of these questions.


Biographical Sketch

Boyoung Lee received her PhD in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Speaking). Dr. Lee’s main interest has been focused on how an EFL learner can develop English communicative skills without having to suffer too much, which is a common side effect of learning English in Korea. As an avid TESOLer, she has been active online and offline, and on diverse types of media with lectures, book writing, teacher training, hosting educational TV and radio shows, and academic research as well. She taught at Ewha Womans University in the TEFL Department for 25 years, and served as associate dean for Ewha’s Graduate School of Teaching Foreign Languages and as chief of TESOL faculty. She is currently operating her own ELT material development company MISOA.


Boyoung Lee Media Online

Interview: Boyoung Lee (The English Connection, Autumn 2019)
PDF available at bottom of page.

Boyoung Lee’s Videos for KOTESOL
1. Motivation
2. Project-Based Learning
3. Memorization
4. Active Learners