Yeungjin University

(Financial) Webinar Library

The Great Blind Spot- the Importance of Financial Education


Our lessons must be relevant to students’ lives. Money is relevant in our lives. These statements are uncontroversial and quite obvious. Yet, financial education has curiously evaded curricula around the world and across history. Schools have successfully taught how to avoid health problems and other practical life lessons. But if you want to learn personal finances, how to invest, or how to get out of debt, you’re on your own! Even though money is by its very essence, valuable, and even though most people struggle financially (see this presentation for proof!), Finance Ed has remained so elusive to educators and administrators, that they do not even realize they’re not teaching it! Finance Ed is the Great Blind Spot in the education system; not only in Korea or the West, but in the entire world (the only exception may be Germany, which very recently introduced financial education on a very small scale following a young girl’s viral tweet: “I am almost 18 and have no idea about taxes, rent or insurance. But I can analyze a poem in four languages.”). It is my hope that this seminar will increase awareness of this issue, as well as imbue fellow educators with confidence and knowledge in order to tackle this important issue.

About Daniel Jones


Daniel Jones is the Financial Affairs Chairman of KOTESOL and secretary of KOTESOL’s Busan-Gyeongnam chapter. His brand new YouTube channel, Epic Investing Nerd, teaches financial wellness and investing basics to beginners. He has been living in Korea for over nine years, the past five of which have been spent teaching ESL at several Korean universities.