Jeju Chapter News

The Jeju Chapter welcomes two new office holders to the Executive team, Mr Alister Martin, Events Co-ordinator and Ms Alexis Oesterle, Membership Officer. Alister is from New Zealand and Alexis is from the USA. Alister has already organized a casual member meet up for lunch on Saturday 9 March in Jeju Si. We are looking forward to their fresh ideas, energy and persuasive abilities to up our membership numbers and make sure we are all well fed!


On the events front, the Jeju Chapter Executive has been in full swing preparing for it’s first event of the year on Saturday 6 April 2013. The esteemed Ms Sara Davila will be conducting a two hour workshop on Creative Thinking Techniques and we are more than excited to learn from her vast experience, expertise and to start the Jeju Chapter workshops off with a huge bang.


On Wednesday February 27, I was fortunate enough to be invited by the Public Office of Education TaLK Co-ordinator to conduct a two hour workshop on Effective Lesson Planning. The workshop was for the sixty four TaLK scholars on Jeju Island, some of who have been here for awhile and some who are completely brand new to teaching. It was a nerve wracking but rewarding experience but what better way to start the Jeju “Grow Our Own” project than leading by example. The TaLK teachers were just awesome and after I got over my initial reaction to run screaming from the room, we just got down to it and had a bit of fun. As a result both Erin Williams (Jeju Chapter Vice President) and myself have been invited back to do a presentation and another workshop this August. Rock on upping those membership numbers!


We are also looking forward to the design and development of a Jeju Chapter logo. Ms Lizechen Probart, from South Africa, is a colleague and talented artist who is getting her creative on for us (which is just as well because the best I can do are stick figures). After membership approval of the logo, we are going to get some cool t-shirts going on.


That’s it from the Jeju crew, the weather is warming up here on the island and we hope it seriously turns it on in true Jeju style for our April 6 event!


Hei kona

Marlene Wilkinson

President, Jeju Chapter