March Meet-Up

On Saturday 9th March, the Jeju Chapter had a lunch meet up at Harry’s Pub in Jeju City. We welcomed two new faces to the fold, Hanna Baek and Jessica Bennett and bade farewell to our Publicity Co-chairs, Jessie Dishaw and Cynthia Loiselle, the publicicity role will be undertaken by Alexis Oesterle, Membership & Publicity Officer.  Over  burgers and fries, members voted on the Jeju Chapter logo,chatted about the upcoming April 6workhsop with the esteemed Sara Davila and ways to increase our membership.

Whilst we were reluctant to say farewell to Jessie and Cynthia, accolades were given for their contribution over the past three years to the Jeju Chapter. The Executive applaud Jessie in her new role as a Montessori Art Teacher, Cynthia in her role of becoming a Doula and both of them for being busy working moms.
The Jeju Chapter will be holding bi-monthly meet-ups for lunch/dinner for financial members to hang out/shoot the breeze or just to network. The next scheduled meet up will be held on Saturday 8 June, venue to be advised. Look forward to seeing our members there!
Marlene Wilkinson
President, Jeju Chapter