KOTESOL Proceedings 2012 Now Online

KOTESOL Proceedings 2012 is now available online to the KOTESOL membership. This volume of KOTESOL Proceedings is a 307-page compilation of 24 research papers based on presentations made at the KOTESOL 2012 International Conference, including four papers by invited speakers to the 2012 Conference. Current KOTESOL members may access and download the online PDF file by first logging in to their KOTESOL account and then going to the KOTESOL Proceedings webpage:


In addition to the online version, there are also a limited number of hardcopies of Proceedings 2012 available for those members who prefer a hardcopy for their research and reading. For a current member to obtain a hardcopy of Proceedings 2012, send name and complete postal mailing address (using the new addressing system, in Korea) to publications@koreatesol.org (preferably by March 31, 2014).