Annual Business Meeting

The ABM is usually held on the Sunday afternoon of the International Conference, and this year will be the same – on the 5th of October at 3pm to 5pm. Any items for the agenda, and any proposed amendments or additions to the constitution or bylaws of KOTESOL must please be submitted to the before midnight of the 3rd of September, to be included in the formal notice that will be circulated on the 5th of September.

Proposed amendments or additions must include the section number as well as the proposed wording, and be supported by five members, in good standing, of KOTESOL. In other words, the document should contain six names – that of the proposer, and five supporters.

The Order of Business at the meeting will include approval of last year’s (draft) ABM minutes, available here and annuoncing results of the election, along with reports from officers.

Thank you,

Leonie Overbeek