Proposed changes to amendments to the constitution and bylaws

Robert Dickey has submitted two proposals to amend the bylaws and consitution of KOTESOL, and has the support of the following members for these proposals: Peadar Callaghan, Nathan Rice, Tory Thorkelson, David Shaffer, Stafford Lumsden, Demetra Gates Choi and Steve Garrigues.

The proposed amendments read as follows:

Proposal to revise the amendment requirements for the KOTESOL Constituion: That the figure “three-fourths (3/4) majority” in Constitution article VIII (Amendments to this Constitution) be revised to “two-thirds (2/3) majority”, this revision to go into effect 6 October 2014.

Proposal to revise the amendment requirements for the KOTESOL Bylaws: That the figure “two-thirds (2/3) majority” in Bylaws article X (Amendments) be revised to “three-fifths (3/5) majority”, this revision to go into effect 6 October 2014.

These proposals will be open for discussion and a vote at the ABM on the 5th of October.