Panel Discussions @ 2015 International Conference

Wanted: Lively, passionate discussions about topics that YOU care about.

Why? To give you a chance to discuss an important issue with other participants. Think “Point-Counterpoint” without the politics or rancor.

What is a Panel Discussion? A panel should consist of a moderator and two or three other participants who have some informed opinion on a topic. Each panelist would offer her/his view and interact/react to the other panelists. Audience participation is also possible.

What Topics? Anything in the field of ELT that you feel needs change or improvement. You might even think of the topics which get discussed on Facebook or issues you talk about with your colleagues. Just make it relevant!
Important Note: A panel is to bring together different views on a topic which, perhaps, has no real solution or conclusion. A conclusion or synthesis MAY emerge from a panel, but the process — discussion and stimulation — is perhaps more important.
The deadline for submitting proposals for the Conference is May 31. If you have further questions about panels, please contact Phil Owen, Program Chair for this year’s conference, at kotesol.program (at)