Elections Results Oct 2015

The following have been duly elected in the KOTESOL National Elections of October 2015, and will serve until the 2016 Annual Business Meeting:

President: Lindsay Herron
1st Vice President:  Dr. David E. Shaffer
2nd Vice President:  Ingrid Zwaal
Secretary:  Daniel Cable
Treasurer:  Phil Owen
Nominations & Elections Committee Chair:  Mike Peacock
International Conference Committee Co-Chair:  Sean O’Connor

* The International Conference Committee Co-Chair is elected to a two-year term, the second year serving as International Conference Committee Chair.

In 2016 Jamie Carson accedes to the postion of International Conference Committee Chair.

All members are encouraged to communicate with the elected leadership of KOTESOL with their thoughts and concerns. The National Council includes appointed committee chairs, and all committees include non-elected members, so their is ample opportunity for others to participate in the decision-making processes. Furthermore, all council meetings are open to the public.