Updating Your KOTESOL Profile [Important]

Not Receiving Your TEC?
Are you a KOTESOL member but not receiving your member copy of TEC (The English Connection)?
The most likely reasons for this are all related to the mailing address in your online KOTESOL account profile (under the “Edit” tab):

The address is your old address before you moved.
The address contains errors in spelling or numbers.
The address has information missing (e.g., postal code).
The address is incorrectly formatted.
The address in not the new Korean road-name format.
Two or more of the above.

What Can You Do?
Log in to your KOTESOL account and check your postal mailing address (under the “Edit” tab, NOT “Address Book”) for correctness.
Be sure to use the new Korean road-name address if your address is in Korea.
Be sure to use the new 5-digit postal code (conversion to road-name address, with 5-digit postal code, available HERE, in Hangeul, or, if you already know your street address, you can find a simple new postal code lookup in English or Korean).
Enter your Korean address in the Hangeul alphabet if at all possible.
If you wish, you can opt out of receiving a hard copy of TEC and read each issue online. This option is in your profile.

(Any mail you have received in the past few months from any governmental agency or major corporation should have the new address and new postal code.)

Incorrect postal addresses cost KOTESOL many hours of work and considerable money. Though we have made an effort to make corrections to bad addresses on mailing labels, many copies of TEC are returned each issue.

Be Aware of This!
— The new 5-digit postal codes for Korea went into use August 1, 2015. The conversion period (grace period) for the old 6-digit postal code (e.g., 110-456) ends in June. As of July 1, 2016, only the new 5-digit postal codes are to be used, according to the Korean Postal System.
—The Korean road-name address system went into effect in July 2011, and the conversion period ended December 31, 2013. All Korean addresses should now be using the road-name formatting.
— Accordingly, as of July 1, 2016, domestic mailings of TEC and any other KOTESOL publications will only be posted to addresses correctly formatted using the 5-digit postal code AND the road-name addressing system.

Please check and update your KOTESOL account address today. Help us get your publications to you. Remember that in your profile you can opt out of receiving hard copies of TEC. Read it online; save a tree.

The Korea TESOL Publications Committee
Email: publications@koreatesol.org

Examples of Old and New Address and Postal Code Formats.

Old (City / University)
광주광역시 동구 서석동 375번지
조선대학교 공과대학 농업기계과
John Deere

New (City / University)
광주광역시 동구 (서석동) 필문대로 309
조선대학교 공과대학 농업기계과
John Deere

Old (City / Apartment)
광주광역시 동구 계림동 100-11번지 금호아파트 204동 1205호
Allis Chalmers

New (City / Apartment)
광주광역시 동구 중앙로 358 (계림동, 금호아파트) 204동 1205호
Allis Chalmers

Old (Rural / University)
전라남도 무안군 청계면 도림리 61-0번지
목포대학교 농학과
Oliver White

New (Rural / University)
전라남도 무안군 청계면 영산로 1666
목포대학교 농학과
Oliver White