KOTESOL Apologizes for Comment by Presenter

KOTESOL supports non-discriminatory practices in English language teaching.  Recently, KOTESOL joined other TESOL organizations, and adopted ‘TESOL International’s Position Statement Against Discrimination of Nonnative Speakers of English in the Field of TESOL.’ 

However, during the Korea TESOL International Conference one presenter (who will remain nameless) made an inappropriate comment during a session.  The comment, which was apparently intended as a joke, was offensive to some attendees and is not in line with the organization’s values.  KOTESOL would like to apologize to those in attendance at that time, and those who were offended second-hand.  

As reporting the statement is in itself hurtful and unfair, we will not repeat it here.

The presenter in question has been contacted by KOTESOL and made aware of the complaint.