KOTESOL Proceedings 2015 Now Online!

In this volume of the Proceedings, we offer 19 papers, from KOTESOL International Conference presenters working in South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Laos, Taiwan, Vietnam, the UK, and the USA. They span the spectrum in variety. KOTESOL Proceedings 2015 contains articles on speaking, pronunciation, using L1, listening, writing, assessment, collaboration, drama, portfolios, the flipped classroom, and content-driven courses. And there are others on teenagers, online doctoral candidates, reflective practice groups, and what students dislike about teachers.

You’ll love it. But don’t take our word for it; check out the table of contents and download the entire PDF file at http://koreatesol.org/content/kotesol-proceedings-2015

Put Proceeding 2015 on your vacation reading list. Enjoy!

Are you a member who prefers to read the Proceedings in book form rather than online? You may request a print copy by making an email request, with complete postal address (new street-name address format and new 5-digit postal code), to:
chosunu@yahoo.com (David Shaffer).
Copies are limited.