Wishing You a "Happy Chuseok"

Happy Chuseok / 추석 / 秋夕!

Coming upon us is one of the biggest and most traditional of Korean holidays, a family holiday for centuries. I hope that this Chuseok is an enjoyable and meaningful one for everyone in our KOTESOL family. Some of you will be heading to ancestral “hometowns” in the countryside; others will be headed to the family head’s home in the big city; still others will be taking family trips in and outside of Korea. Safe journeys to all of you.

Chuseok is traditionally a time to lift one’s head toward the largest full moon of the autumn sky and pray for a bountiful harvest. More metaphorically, it is a time to wish for good fortune, good health, and success in the coming year. It is a time to partake of the ripening harvest, a time to catch up with family living far and near, a moment to remember those who have passed on… For those members of our KOTESOL community here for shorter periods of time, I hope that you will be enjoying the holidays with friends and colleagues.

While Chuseok is one of the biggest events of the Korean year, may I remind you of the very biggest event of the KOTESOL year: the Korea TESOL International Conference! It is coming soon: October 13-14. Please remember to pre-register while you still can: between now and September 30.

I wish everyone of you a very enjoyable Chuseok in the coming week, and I hope you come to Seoul for a very enjoyable KOTESOL Conference in the coming month.

보름달처럼 풍성하고 기쁨 가득한 추석 보내세요.

David Shaffer
KOTESOL President
코테솔 화장 올림