Busan-Gyeongnam Chapter Executive Board Elections

To all members of Busan-Gyeongnam KOTESOL Chapter:

It’s time to choose a new executive BOARD! Nominations for positions were open until November 16. Online voting will close Friday, November 23.  Our election results ceremony and annual planning meeting will be  on Saturday, November 24. We will review the duties of each executive council member, and have a planning meeting to discuss our chapter goals for 2018/2019.  Any and all persons are welcome to attend our meeting, meet our new chapter council, and share their ideas for our chapter.


1:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm, Saturday, November 24th, 2018

Location: Dawn Beach Hotel Business Conference Room, Gwangali Beach


All KOTESOL members with current membership status are eligible to vote, and will receive the electronic ballot via email to the email address they have indicated on the kotesol website. Below are descriptions of executive board positions, and nominees:

Descriptions of Executive Board Positions:

President –

• Organizes meetings and arranges speakers
• Files reports to the National Council (about 3 times a year)
• Delegates duties in order to help meetings run smoothly
• Attends National Council meetings (about 3 times a year)
• Serves as the liaison between the National Council and the local chapter

Vice President –

• Assists the president with running meetings
• Assists in arranging speakers
• Can go in place of the president to National Council meetings

Second Vice President –

• Assists the President and Vice president

Treasurer –

• Maintains the bank account of the organization
• Helps arrange funds for the snacks and membership events 
• Fills out quarterly reports to securing funding from the national organization

Secretary –

• Creates and maintains the events on the KOTESOL Facebook page
• Publishes the Busan-Gyeongnam KOTESOL newsletter

Webmaster –

• Uploads news and events, and maintains the KOTESOL website 

Membership Officer –

• Keeps a record of attendance for the chapter meetings
• Helps recruit new members
• Organizes social events
• Helps to retain current members

Officer(s) at Large- *

• Act in an advisory capacity for all matters of the chapter
• Help with events and assist the executive team

*We may have several Officers at Large on the executive board.

All of our executive team are encouraged to promote events, upload photos, pictures and videos of events to our media pages, and assist each other in our roles. 




Nominee: Rhea Metituk, University of Ulsan

I joined KOTESOL in 2016, and at my first meeting was elected (uncontested) as secretary to the Busan-Gyeongnam chapter.   So, I dove in deep from the get-go, because KOTESOL is fun and filled with friendly and inspiring people.  I watched and learned and became more active, helping with media, planning, and promotion. I was inspired by my local eboard, chapter meeting attendees, and especially at my first International Conference where I gathered information, and met education mavens who informed my work and helped me grow immensely as a professional.  This past year I acted as the Busan-Gyeongnam chapter president, where I was fortunate to be able to create a regional academic conference with 60 in attendance.  I have been watching our chapter grow and evolve and would like to continue to serve the community interested in attending events and being supported in their professional development.  I am also acting as Financial Affairs Chair on the KOTESOL national council, as well as involved in various KOTESOL SIGS (special interest groups).  If elected again to be chapter president in 2018/2019, I aspire to consistently maintain our group’s interests and assist teachers to achieve their goals.

Vice President

Nominee: Luis Roberto Caballero Orozco, UNIST

With ten years of experience as a public school teacher, university lecturer, and school counselor, I want to build on the progress our Busan-Gyeongnam Chapter started in 2018. As a Member-At-Large of the previous year’s Executive Council, I had the honor of helping plan and launch our chapter’s first regional conference in nearly five years, in addition to serving as Program Manager for KOTESOL’s annual International Conference in Seoul. My dedication to KOTESOL as a vehicle for professional development has allowed me to move into the role of Program Director for the 2019 International Conference. In the past year, I also gained valuable insight into the inner workings of KOTESOL’s national operations, working with other members of our local chapter to conduct an audit of the national Treasurer’s office. There is so much potential for new ventures just waiting to be tapped. After four years of living and working in Korea, I have come to witness a significant shift currently taking place in EFL teaching. The country is making strides on the global scale in such areas as technology & transnational relations, and Korea’s language teachers must necessarily be a part of that progress. Our organization ought to be at the forefront of education issues, working with teachers of all levels to reshape the way we approach student learning. In the coming year as your Vice-President, I hope to encourage more active participation from our Busan-Gyeongnam chapter, both locally and at the national level. As the chapter for Korea’s second largest metropolitan area, let’s set a bold five-point agenda in 2019: 1) we must reach out more to our public primary & secondary school colleagues to support them with ongoing professional development amid federal program cuts; 2) we must do more to encourage membership and input from our Korean colleagues, finding new ways to support the work they do as the primary points of contact for our students’ families; 3) we must spotlight the prowess and expertise of our own chapter’s members for the national level, nurturing the talent of our membership base to send a Busan-Gyeongnam delegation of presenters & participants to every KOTESOL conference around the country; 4) we must create roundtables and discussion circles for our chapter’s university faculty, so as to benchmark and share emerging trends in ELT research and pedagogy; and 5) we must make social justice issues a cornerstone of our chapter, our national organization, and our own language classrooms, advocating for organizational policy & institutional curriculum decisions that will lead to greater inclusion of students and teachers from all walks of life. It is time for new ideas and fresh perspectives to take hold of the direction we take English teaching in Korea.

Second Vice President

Nominee: Paul Johnson, Changsin University

Many teachers working in Korea have a DIY attitude, but just aren’t sure where to direct their energy. KOTESOL helps channel that energy in a positive way, that enables instructors to become better teachers and to further their careers. In short, KOTESOL brings like-minded people together, and in doing so, seeks to improve their social and professional lives. Since attending KOTESOL and partner conferences, I’ve changed the way I teach. I’ve completely re-worked the way I teach Speaking, Vocabulary, and orchestrate group work. I’ve gotten better. It’s weird to get better, because you first need to realize that there’s so much room for improvement. But KOTESOL helps me fill in the gaps in my teaching techniques. Why do I want to be Chapter Second Vice President? Because I think the leadership does a great job, better than I could do, and thus I see my role as an active, yet supportive one.


Nominee: Nicole Domay, Ulsan Public Schools

I would like to continue my role as Treasurer as I can assure and have demonstrated my ability to fulfill the role of financial management. I have worked closely with other members of the executive board successfully and have completed tasks in a timely manner. Thank you for your consideration.


Nominee: Andrew Bulmer, SIEL English Academy

I joined KOTESOL in March this year shortly after arriving in Korea. My hope was to become part of a community that enjoyed teaching and was interested in professional development. This in turn would also introduce me to new people as I became familiar with living in Korea. My focus as secretary in some respects would be as simple as making sure people are kept informed about events and developments in BG-KOTESOL. Yet beyond that I would like to develop the newsletter to be a useful tool for members. This includes providing a record of events for those who are not able to attend, and providing schedule information and details for those not on Facebook. Additionally, I feel that a newsletter that provides a balance of practical teaching as well as academic information would be of interest to members. Lastly, I like to think I take ideas and suggestions well so would be open to hearing thoughts, ideas and contributions from all members.


Nominee: Chris Simpson, Eonyang EPIK

I am running for the position of Webmaster because I want to use my technology skills and degree to help KOTESOL as best as I can. I have multiple years of experience designing and maintaining online content, as well as experience creating web graphics and animations. I was a Technical Manager for the International Conference. In addition, I have animated the KOTESOL logo, and designed the logo for the Environmental Justice SIG. As webmaster, I will make sure that all events from the local chapter, other chapters, and national events are kept updated as needed. After becoming familiar with the website, what it is used for and how it works, I can design changes and improvements to the KOTESOL website based on my observations, and suggestions form the council and other KOTESOL members.

Membership Officer

Nominee: Heehwa Choi

I think more involvement of Korean teachers would benefit the whole KOTESOL community.  I would love to see the current members invite Korean colleagues. For promoting such invitations, as  a group I would like to suggest we organize small prize events or social networking events involving educators in the Korean education system.  I think thematic parties would be fun. I am sure the members would have many fun ideas if we set our minds to it. Thank you!

Officer(s) at Large

Nominee: Daniel Earl Jones, Dong-eui University

I’ve always had a love of the far east, especially Korea, as I grew up next to a Korean district in my hometown. I’ve wanted to be professor ever since I started college, so being a professor here just seemed right for me. For several years I’ve been interested in furthering my career goals as a TESOL professor. I became more active in the Yongin chapter, near where I lived previously, and even gave a presentation and workshop there. Unfortunately, I had to put many such plans on hold when when my girlfriend (later, wife) got cancer. Sadly, she lost her battle several months ago, and I’m left trying to piece my old life and old career goals back together as best as I can. It’s been two years since I was deeply involved in KOTESOL, but I’m looking forward to diving back into it! I’m hoping to start small and get in on the ground floor, then work my way up to whatever seems most suitable for me.

Nominee: Minji Kim, Anrak Middle School

The reason to apply is that I would like to help running and Busan Kyeongnam Kotesol because I have got help by learning from lectures and communicating with teachers. I also would like to communicate with teachers around the world to broaden my view in teaching.

Nominee: Brittany Cardamone, Ulsan EPIK

After attending several KOTESOL meetings this year, it was an easy decision to become a member. I’m excited to be part of this organization that is passionate about teaching and supports the professional development of its members and the TESOL community in Korea. I hope to work closely with the executive board and Busan-Gyeongnam chapter members, offering assistance wherever necessary, to ensure the successful planning and execution of events.