2019 KOTESOL International Conference Call for Proposals

News Update

Proposal acceptance is now closed

Thank you for participating

2019 International Conference Call for Proposals Opens Early

The call for presentations opened last week for the 2019 Korea TESOL International Conference.


The 27th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference theme is, 
Advancing ELT: 
Blending Disciplines, Approaches, and Technologies. 

The conference will be held October 12-13, 2019, at Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul. 

Anyone interested in submitting a proposal may do so. Please note:  You do not have to be a member to submit a proposal but you must be a member of KOTESOL to present at the conerence. 

In the past, the call for presentations has run from February through the end of May, but this year things are a little different.  The call opened on January 15th and will close on May 10th.  In addition, the vetting process and presenter pre-registration will also conclude earlier than they have in the past.  

Why?  Moving everything up a few weeks will help the program team to run more efficiently. The program team will be able to complete the schedule earlier, and presenters and attendees will have more time to peruse the schedule, read abstracts and plan their conference weekend.   

For more information and to start the application process please visit: koreatesol.org/IC2019