KOTESOL Code of Conduct

Following the trend of the times for organizations such as ours and the decrease in filtering that is being observed in SNS as well as face-to-face communications, Korea TESOL has found it advantageous to create a Code of Conduct, approved by the National Council, to guide everyone in communications and other interactions with Korea TESOL and its members at any of its events ㅡ conventional or online.

Though I am confident in the conduct of our Korea TESOL membership, it is still useful to familiarize oneself with this Code of Conduct, as it sets forth not only unacceptable behavior but also what one can do if they are on the receiving end of unacceptable behavior.

It is our hope that by formally setting forth in this document what is and is not acceptable behavior, all will be more conscious of the civility that is expected within Korea TESOL and at Korea TESOL events.

The Korea TESOL Code of Conduct can be accessed and downloaded at https://koreatesol.org/content/code-conduct

David E. Shaffer, Korea TESOL President