Annual Business Meeting & Proposed Amendments to the Bylaws

In accordance with the KOTESOL Constitution and Bylaws, KOTESOL will be holding the Annual Business Meeting (ABM) online on Sunday, November 1. All members are invited to attend! Reports on KOTESOL’s past year will be given, and election results will be announced.

Also at the ABM, proposed amendments to the KOTESOL Constitution and Bylaws may be voted on by all members in attendance. Prior to the submission deadline, we have received two Bylaws amendment proposals with the requisite endorsements (see PDF below). They are being made available to the membership here and via KOTESOL News, our email newsletter, to fulfill the 30-day advance notice requirement. Discussion of the matters and voting will take place at the ABM. The Bylaws can be amended by a 3/5 majority vote of the members present at the ABM.