In lieu of our usual membership survey, the KOTESOL Membership Committee is encouraging members and nonmembers alike to participate in an independent research survey by KOTESOL member Robert Dickey. The results of the research will help inform KOTESOL’s policymaking and also contribute to better understandings of professional development organizations such as ours. You are invited and requested to share your thoughts on what KOTESOL is doing well… and less well.

Members and non-members are equally invited.

Why you are a member, or why your paid membership has lapsed. Or you never paid a membership. What you enjoy, what you think KOTESOL should be doing…

If you registered in the KOTESOL website ( in the past 10 years, a personalized email invitation was sent you from Survey Monkey (it might be in your spam folder). If you did not receive a personal invitation, you may also complete the form here:

The study will take 10-18 minutes to complete — but many of the questions are optional, should you feel less comfortable sharing all the details.

Please feel free to share this survey link to others you know teaching English in Korea, or previously engaged in English teaching in Korea.

(Note: if you completed this survey with an individualized invitation, please do not respond again.)