Yongin Chapter Elections 2022

Along with details to be shared by email, this is a public sharing of the positions and duties. 


Duties of Yongin Chapter Officers and other jobs

as found in Appendix 1 of the Yongin Chapter constitution as of 2018

The Chapter Officers should attend monthly chapter meetings and special meetings and work as much by consensus as possible.  All Chapter Officers should perform the following duties: they should attend to the business of the chapter; they should keep track of and submit changes needed to their own job description; they should make themselves aware of members and promote leadership in potential future leaders; they should be aware of the financial situation of the Yongin Chapter and circumstances that may affect it; they should confirm members and heads of committees when required; they should serve as committee members and heads when required.  The final job of every Chapter Officer is to train the next person for the position s/he holds.

Section 1. The President shall set the direction and priorities for the year in line with the short term and long term needs and goals of the chapter.  S/He should attend regular KOTESOL meetings as often as possible to represent the interests of Yongin Chapter and act as a liaison between the National KOTESOL Council and Yongin Chapter.  In the case of a formal meeting, the president shall act as chair or, if s/he is personally involved in a topic, appoint someone else to temporarily chair the meeting.

Section 2. The First Vice-President shall assist the President in his or her duties and shall assume the presidency if the office of president becomes vacant.  S/He shall also maintain a second up-do-date archive of all laws and documents as a back up to the Secretary’s copy.  The first Vice President should ensure that any Chapter officers have the support the need to fulfill their duties.

Section 3. The Second Vice-President shall assist the President and First Vice President in their duties.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Yongin KOTESOL meetings and decisions, including those done electronically.  The Secretary shall also archive, safeguard and make available, as needed, all the official records and documents of Yongin KOTESOL, including pamphlets, recruiting information and occasional documents.  The secretary’s copy of a document should be considered the most up to date version and the official version of the document, unless otherwise stated.  Likewise, any updated documents must be sent to the Secretary.  As a backup, the secretary should ensure that the First Vice President has an up to date copy of all documents.

The Secretary shall pass on all documents to the incoming Secretary.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall act as a caretaker for the financial affairs of Yongin KOTESOL, keep appropriate bank accounts in the name of Yongin KOTESOL, maintain accurate records of the finances of the organization, maintain a list of Yongin KOTESOL members, and manage all funds belonging to Yongin KOTESOL in an open and accountable manner.  The Treasurer should bring to the attention of the Executive any circumstance that risks bringing the chapter funds to a negative balance

Section 6. The Student Representatives shall serve as a liaison between the student members and the rest of the membership.  S/He shall represent the interests of student members as a member of the Executive and act as an advisor in any matters relating to students.  The Student Representative should also promote KOTESOL at events and encourage students to join Chapter events.

Section 7. The Past President will act as an advisor and guide in the council, aid in the training and mentoring of other officers, be a window into traditions and past practices at the chapter, facilitate introductions between Yongin members and people in other organizations and function as a full executive member.

Section 8. The Executive can invest elements of Yongin KOTESOL authority into temporary leadership roles by a majority vote.

Section 9. Any section in Appendix 1 may be changed on recommendation of the current holder of the office(s) concerned with a simple majority vote of the Executive.  Otherwise, changes must adhere to the same rules as changing the Bylaws.