DCC Wednesday Workshop – May Edition

We’re pleased to announce our next Wednesday workshop:

Presenter: Michael Free
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 24th, 8-9pm
Presentation: “It’s Our Pleasure to Introduce…”: Teacher as Multilingual, Multimodal Oral Presentation Model

The oral presentation is a staple in many EFL classrooms, and for good reason: there is a wide variety of formats that can be used, difficulty levels can be adjusted to suit the needs of the learners, and the attendant skills are transferable to the real world. The focus on presentations ranges from individual assignments to the overarching purpose of an entire course. The teacher most often provides explicit instruction in planning, helps students formulate their thoughts, gives advice on revision with an eye to overall development, and models individual elements such as pronunciation, elocution, and presentation techniques. What typically doesn’t happen is that the teacher models a complete presentation in the target language.

This interactive session will detail one such effort, in which the presenter took advantage of a speaking opportunity to design and deliver a presentation in (mostly) Korean. The purpose here is not to provide a model, but to demonstrate the benefits of ‘becoming the student’, identify pedagogical opportunities, and prompt discussion about the potential for undertaking this type of endeavour. While not arguing that teachers should seek out public opportunities that are beyond what is reasonable, it is hoped that participants will come away with some ideas that can improve their presentation classes.


Michael is an exceptional presenter and knows a lot about his topic. We’ve been trying to get him to present for us for a few years now, and we’re really happy to finally have him with us! As usual, the event will be held over Zoom. If you’d like to attend, then please register here: https://forms.gle/1bkr1H3vVSg4Mfiw9
We look forward to seeing you on the 24th!
– The DCC Exec